Training for Buddhists working with schools in the UK
Do you currently host or make school visits for your Triratna centre or group? Would you like to?

Srivati runs the London Buddhist Centre’s education service, Bodhi Tree. She’s offering two training events: one for Buddhists conducting school visits; one for school teachers who want to teach mindfulness in their schools.

1) Buddhist school visit workshop
10am – 4.30pm
Sunday 15th June 2014
London Buddhist Centre, E2 0HU

This interactive day will be led by Srivati, who has been working with schools since 2002. Those already working with schools will share their experience and good ideas; those who have yet to start will gain confidence and useful material.

Buddhism has been part of compulsory Religious Education in UK schools for the last 20 years and Triratna has been among the Buddhist groups most active in responding to schools’ needs, whether welcoming school groups to Centres, or, in the case of Clear Vision, making the leading Buddhist video materials for Buddhism in the classroom.

Says Srivati: "In RE, young people learn about other religions and they also learn from them. They’re encouraged to reflect upon important issues, including ethics. They also get the opportunity to try meditation.

Hosting school visits at your Centre is a way of supporting all this; an expression of generosity towards the younger wider community. It can also help our own understanding as we try to communicate the Dharma appropriately to children and young people without compromising its message."

The day is a dana event.

2) Mindfulness teacher training day
15th & 16th March
Breathing Space, London Buddhist Centre, E2 0HU

Breathing Space is the London Buddhist Centre’s secular mindfulness centre, where Srivati is about to run their first mindfulness training event for schools. She says, “this event is for school teachers and other staff who would like to become their school’s own mindfulness and meditation coach, having already completed an 8-week mindfulness course such as Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.

The weekend will also us to train up other members of our growing Bodhi Tree team, as well as some other Buddhists who either already work in a school or are considering delivering this programme at their Centre. We intend to run this event every year.”

Contact Srivati
by email
by phone 020 8926 1908
Visit Bodhi Tree’s website.
Visit Breathing Space’s website.