Here is a book that may be of interest to you, whether or not you are autistic around different aspects of Buddhist practice. It includes a chapter from our very own Prajnanandi. It would be of particular use to those looking to articulate more about their autism and how it works with Buddhism, or those who are interested in supporting autistic individuals.
The description from the publisher:
"This series of reflective accounts explores the benefits that Buddhist practice can bring for autistic individuals, and outlines how Dharma teachers, centre directors and meditation group leaders can help ensure sessions are truly autism sensitive.
Including a wide range of international contributors discussing aspects of their autistic experience and the impact of Buddhism on their lives, this is a thought-provoking and often moving portrayal of the intersect between the lived experience of autistic people and spiritual practice.
The deeply personal accounts of the positive impact Buddhist practices have had on relationships, social interactions, sensory overload, mental health and wellbeing, provide an opportunity to find out more about both Buddhism and the support that it can offer to the autistic community through, for example, personal practice, parenting and special educational provision"
The link to purchase direct from the publisher can be found below:
The book has also received notable reviews:
Candradasa, author of Buddhism for Teens
"Every so often, among the myriad books produced each year on mindfulness, Buddhism, and spirituality in general, you encounter one that stands out as genuinely original... Chris Jarrell has produced a priceless resource for anyone trying to understand the deep connections between identity, cognitive modes, and the way the mind can be re-channelled to move us away from habitual suffering towards freedom"
Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Change
"Being Autistic in a neurotypical world can be filled with challenge. Autism and Buddhist Practice shares the journeys of people who have found a liberating path in the teachings of the Buddha and meditation practices. The stories speak for themselves and you will find a poignancy and honesty in them that will inspire you"
Devin Ashwood, Director of the Gaia House Buddhist retreat centre and father to autistic children.
"This wonderful collection of experiences written by autistic people sheds light on neurodivergence with inspiring stories of how Buddhist practice and understanding has directly helped those contributing. Anyone wanting to better understand this condition, and the experience of people with Autism accessing Buddhist communities, teaching and practice will find this a fascinating and moving read. Miso soup for the soul!"
The book has also been reviewed in the National Autistic Society magazine April 2023 version, which can be accessed here:
The review itself is on pages 16-17 of the magazine.
Happy reading!