Lovers of FBA!
Lovers of FBA!
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Love FBA? Share It With The World!
Free Buddhist Audio is looking for some new members of our community to share why they love our site. We are reaching out to our community of supporters to ask for your help - would you consider making an FBA Endorsement? Statements of support are between 150-180 characters in length, and include a photo of you, both of which will appear in random sequencing on the FBA site. Questions? Let us know - we'd love to hear from you, and thank you for considering helping us out in this way. Ready to send in your endorsements? Send away! We'll be in touch to let you know we recieved it.

Here's a few examples currently on the site:
These recordings have been a key part of my life, especially as I don't live near a Buddhist Centre. With its excellent organisation and fast delivery, FBA is a unique resource. A pleasure to donate. (Jinamitra)

I received the most delightful gift of the Dharma: an iPod with all of Sangharakshita's FBA downloads on it. I just love listening to my 'Bhante pod' and having Dharma talks so easily accessible. (Manidha)

Thank you for considering this - and thank you for supporting Free Buddhist Audio in all the ways that you do.

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Favorite Talk...
What's your favorite talk on FBA?
One that you keep coming back to over and over again.
Who gave it, where was it given and when?
What inspires you about it?

Mine is a talk a by Srivati titled "Becoming a Citizen of the Present" given at a National Order Weekend in 2001. I love how she talks about Mindfulness in Track 7 using her own poetry to describe her own process and connect with others in our common aspirations to remain present in each moment.

Also, Track 3 is one of my favorite readings of a favorite story from the Pali Canon - Bahiya of the Bark Garment.

In the seen merely the seen, in the heard merely the heard, in the sensed merely the sensed, in the cognized merely the cognized...
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Looking for a little help...
Hey Lovers of FBA!

How would you like to share your love of Free Buddhist Audio with an endorsement? We think the best way to let other people know about the merits of our site is to ask those who use it to speak for us.

Just ask yourself - why do I like Free Buddhist Audio? What really inspires me about having access to so many talks by a diverse community of individuals? How do I feel when I can sit down and listen to Sangharakshita, our founder, at the press of a button?

There are lots of people around the world who do not have access to a local Buddhist community or teachers, or even fellow practitioners. Free Buddhist Audio provides a portal to the Dharma that many describe as essential for their practice.

Would you help us reach even more people by sharing your words of endorsement with us?

What we need: a short endorsement text (about 175 characters) in English please with a photo of you (400dpi). We can also accept AudioBoos - an audio endorsement (2 minutes max) which we can use in other promotional contexts.

You can email me at: or upload your image & text here in this group. AudioBoos are welcomed too!

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Sharing the FBA Love
Free Buddhist Audio was launched in 2006, having evolved from the much-loved Dharmachakra Tapes. As a tape distribution company we sold about 1000 tapes (and later CDs) each year. In our first year on the web, there were over 20,000 downloaded talks! Today, there are nearly a quarter of a million talks downloaded each year, by people all over the world.

We are passionate at Free Buddhist Audio about keeping this service free - much in the same spirit as the Buddha wandered about India speaking to people, offering his insights freely and openly. We reach far more people this way and ask those who are able to support the work with a donation to keep the spirit of generosity alive as together we turn the wheel of the Dharma.

Our volunteer promoters are fans of FBA who want to go a step further in helping to spread the word about this fantastic resource. We'll help support you with our fundraising packet, links to resources, inspirational ideas, videos, publicity materials and more.

As a member of the FBA Promoters Group you'll also be able to connect with other volunteers around the world - together we'll make a significant contribution to the happiness of many thousands of people who are searching for peace, meaning and a clear sense of compassionate values to live by. Help share the FBA love!
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Sangharakshita on Free Buddhist Audio
Sangharakshita shares his delight in the new developments of Free Buddhist Audio, especially how many people around the world are listening to talks in the same way the Buddha communicated the Dharma orally, by word of mouth.
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