Lovers of FBA!
Lovers of FBA!
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Welcome to Lovers of FBA!
This group is for anyone inspired by Free Buddhist Audio. Feel free to share your stories about the site, post your favorite Dharma talk, generally just spread the FBA love. And, if you can, help us fundraise and let the world know about all the Dharma and meditation resources, reflections, poetry and more available on Free Buddhist Audio.

When a friend tells another friend about this great Dharma service, freely-accessible to anyone with an internet connection, they are helping to spread the Dharma. Take your place in a noble lineage of people who have contributed to spreading the Dharma since the time of the Buddha himself.

We are really passionate about keeping this service free, but this is only possible with the generous support of our donors. You too can help spread the Dharma to people all over the world by just sharing what you love about Free Buddhist Audio - with your friends, your family, your sangha, and more! Join Today!