Free Buddhist Audio is looking for some new members of our community to share why they love our site. We are reaching out to our community of supporters to ask for your help - would you consider making an FBA Endorsement? Statements of support are between 150-180 characters in length, and include a photo of you, both of which will appear in random sequencing on the FBA site. Questions? Let us know - we'd love to hear from you, and thank you for considering helping us out in this way. Ready to send in your endorsements? Send away! We'll be in touch to let you know we recieved it.
Here's a few examples currently on the site:
Thank you for considering this - and thank you for supporting Free Buddhist Audio in all the ways that you do.
Here's a few examples currently on the site:
These recordings have been a key part of my life, especially as I don't live near a Buddhist Centre. With its excellent organisation and fast delivery, FBA is a unique resource. A pleasure to donate. (Jinamitra) |
I received the most delightful gift of the Dharma: an iPod with all of Sangharakshita's FBA downloads on it. I just love listening to my 'Bhante pod' and having Dharma talks so easily accessible. (Manidha) |
Thank you for considering this - and thank you for supporting Free Buddhist Audio in all the ways that you do.