Don't miss Shakyakumara's presentation on Healing and Insight Saturday March 26th 6pm UK Time on "Using Mindfulness to Reduce Stress and Purify Purpose."
From age 15, Shakya was a "whizz-kid" - programming computers professionally while passing through school and university a year ahead of his age. He went on to land his dream job and then burnt out a year later, and was off work with "ME" for two and a half years.
In this talk Shakya will talk about his recovery process, the part that mindfulness played, the realisations that emerged, and the way his life has totally changed. He now devotes himself to teaching mindfulness in the workplace, in the hope of preventing burnout affecting others. As he often says, "I've been there, so you don't have to!"
He will draw out learnings from these experiences, also drawing on the Mindfulness and Buddhist traditions, so others can avoid burnout and find more enjoyable and satisfying ways to engage in life and work. Shakya would like your questions now, so please post them. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you Saturday.