Coogee Buddhist Group
Coogee Buddhist Group
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What is Dear to your Heart?

Click on this link as you read on if you want the full aural experience of this week's email ..... have it as a background sound scape as you read

This week I caught up with a friend from some years back at the Sydney Buddhist Centre. We ran into each other at a Hare Krisna Kirtan some months back that some of you Coogee gals had inspired me to get along to. 

As we riffed around reality to the strains of music inspired by Maharishi whilst chowing down on delicious, not quite vegan quiche she reminded me of the word sankalpa.

If you're a yogi you'll be able to school me further on it's meaning but I understand it to mean one's firm and heartfelt intention towards something. And in dependence on this firm and heartfelt intention much power and beauty arises. 

I was describing to Nadya my aspiration to always be in touch with the truth even when that means I may have to suffer and be confronted by my own limitations around it and out popped that word. I love it! It sings to me. 

And as I read about it after we had talked I found that meditation helps put one in touch with and gestate one's sankalpa. 

So what is dear to your heart? What do you long to realise in your life? What is your sankalpa?

Come along to both our meditation this week and also to our forthcoming retreat and dive deeper ...

Thursday    7 - 8.30 pm

Sunday      8 - 9 am

Retreat October 14 - 16 at Vijayaloka

Book on this link:

Much metta

Dharmalata and Padmadakini