Buddhism is a path of spiritual practice that’s open to everyone. It’s an ancient tradition, with a powerful message for today’s world.
For Buddhists, the Buddha understood the essence of our minds and how they create happiness or suffering. In that way, he embodies wisdom and compassion. He isn’t a god; he was a human being who lived 2,500 years ago and taught a path leading to Awakening or Enlightenment.
The Buddhist path starts with our experience right now, and includes faith in the possibility of going beyond our current limits. Dharma is another important word for Buddhists. It means everything that makes up the path and the deep understanding of life it makes possible.
The path is something we follow together with others, not as an isolated individual, and the community we create by doing that is called Sangha.
Mindfulness is the practice of being aware and present, whatever’s happening. That helps us move beyond automatic, defensive reactions so we can respond more creatively.
The Buddhist ethical precepts are guidelines for living with kindness, generosity, contentment, honesty and awareness.
Meditation is a core Buddhist practice for cultivating beneficial, spacious and creative states of heart and mind. It’s helpful – perhaps essential – to have guidance in meditation from experienced teachers and to share your practice with others.
The Buddhist path leads to the wisdom that arises when we let go of the illusion of being a fixed, separate self. The best-known expression of Buddhist wisdom is the four noble truths.
This wisdom naturally opens into kindness and compassion for all beings.
Standing back from our struggles and learning their lessons, we can taste for ourselves how the Dharma works. It’s a path for everyone, irrespective of race, nationality, caste, sexuality, or gender.
Triratna is a modern Buddhist movement devoted to bringing these essential Buddhist teachings alive in today’s world, drawing on the whole Buddhist tradition and offering a profound path of practice. We’re a thriving global community who practice meditation, explore Buddhism and share our lives in a spirit of friendship.
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