The idea is to meet as usual at 8.30amPST/11.30amEST/4.30pm UK/ 9pm Maharashtra. Connect on Skype with user and IM (Instant Message) to be added to the call. We’ll be online 15 mins before the meditation.
First we'll spend a while sitting, setting up the walking meditation itself. If you haven't done this practice before, it's easy and you can read a very good introduction here. We'll all go off and spend half an hour just walking, experiencing ourselves moving through the world (or one small part of it!) in mindfulness, bearing each other in mind as an active part of the context. It would be a good idea to decide beforehand where you want to walk. Maybe outside in a park if you can, or at least a quiet space. Or indoors - around a room, or simply up and down in a space that's big enough not to feel too cramped doing that!
Afterwards, we'll 'meet' back online and have some space to share our experience and talk together about anything that arises...
Come and make some space in your day for meditation - and let's take a walk into awareness and connection together!