Triratna Festival dates

Here's a handy link to the dates of Triratna festivals through to 2025...


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Here's PDF versions of the most common ceremonies used in the Triratna Buddhist Community. Many of them are also available in multiple translations over on the Translations Project page of this website. Texts included are:

The Sevenfold Puja
The Threefold Puja
The Dedication Ceremony
The Tiratana Vandana
The Heart Sutra
The Three Refuges and Five Precepts including the Positive Precepts (as used in the Triratna Buddhist Community)
The Three Refuges and Ten Precepts including the Positive Precepts (as used in the Triratna Buddhist Order)

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Buddha Day round-up
Buddha Day 2013 has come and gone, with celebrations of the Buddha's Enlightenment around the Triratna Buddhist Community - many of them recorded in one form or another on The Buddhist Centre Online. Click here for a round-up of what we know about!

The next Festival in Triratna's calendar will be Dharma Day, celebrating the Buddha's Turning of the Wheel of the Dharma - traditionally two full moons after his Enlightenment and therefore on the Full Moon of July. To prepare for it, why not read Sangharakshita's 'What is the Dharma?', available from Windhorse Publications or all good bookshops.
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Buddha Day - May Full Moon
Buddha Day is coming up - it falls on the May Full Moon, May 6th in 2012. To celebrate it, here's a few photographs of Buddha images from around the Triratna Buddhist Community.
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