metta for merida
metta for merida
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Other things you could do to help people in Venezuela

As well as helping to organise groups to send metta to everyone in Venezuela, which I believe can make a real difference, you may feel like helping out in other, more practical ways. Sometimes people ask me if they can send food parcels or medicines, but unfortunately that is not possible, parcels would never make it through customs.

However, there are some things which you might be able to do to help...

  • Offer friendship online to people in the Sangha
  • Do you have an old smart phone you don't use sitting in a drawer? There are mitras in the sangha who can't afford to buy one (even 2nd hand with a cracked screen!) I you could get it to Adhisthana before the 20th Aug 2017 I could take it with me to Venezuela so that they can be in communication more easily. Anything that is capable of installing whatsapp in enough.
  • If you have TEFL skills, offer English classes online to mitras preparing for ordination
  • Help to raise funds enable Mitras and Order Members to travel to and from Venezuela
  • Help create online work opportunities for people in the Sangha. A small amount of money in Euros, Dollars or Pounds goes a long way in Venezuela. Maybe you could outsource simple administrative tasks that can be done online to our friends in Venezuela. Just to have opportunities to earn their own money could be a game changer for many people.
  • Place an order for meditation cushions (unfilled). I am planing to organise a TBRL to make them. They'd be cheap, but it might take a while to get them out of Venezuela so you won't get them cheaply.

Thanks for thinking about our friends in Venezuela. Just leave a comment below if you'd like to help in one of these ways.