The Triratna Young Buddhists’s space is the place to find what’s on for young people around the Triratna Buddhist Community. Here are some resources from the start-up phase of the Young Buddhist movement in the UK that are of wider relevance still.
The Triratna Young Buddhists Sangha really started in November 2008 when there was a gathering of 24 people from around the Triratna Buddhist Community, who came together to explore ‘Inspiring Young People with the Dharma’. Included here are two papers coming out of the weekend:
- A summary of the ideas put forwards and other resources already available
- A fuller transcript of all suggestions and comments from the weekend (which were developed using a process based on Open Space Technology).
- Knut from the LBC has produced ‘Starting a Young Triratna Sangha Group: a guide to getting it off the ground and making it fun and fulfilling’.
Since then the young Triratna Sangha has grown and grown, and these days there are Young Buddhists groups round most (not all) Triratna Centres in the UK at least, plus an annual large and very popular Young Buddhists retreat – and many more local activities. In addition, Padmaloka and Taraloka have pioneered ‘One-Year Intensives’ for young Buddhists wanting to immerse themselves in the Dharma. And these days, we have the young Buddhists courses at Adhisthana.