We are now in the process of finalising our programme of retreats for the rest of 2021. The remaining 2021 retreats will be open for booking on 8th March 2021 (not on 2 April and 2 July as previously advertised).
Retreats up until 11th July be all be online. For retreats after that, we plan to run residential retreats. However, with the changing conditions, we can't confirm that we will be able to run an in-person retreat until nearer the time. If we can't open fully, the retreat will be online. Given the layout of the retreat centre, we’ve made the decision not to try and run socially-distanced residential retreats.
We will decide at least one month beforehand if the retreat will be residential or online. When you book, we’ll ask you to pay only a deposit for the retreat and we will then ask for the appropriate balance amount when we know the format of the retreat. At that time we will contact all those booked on to let you know whether it will be at Tiratanaloka or online.
Even if we were to re-open in July, we’re expecting to make a substantial loss in 2021 which will come from our reserves. We’re very grateful for all your generosity to date in helping us to keep running retreats. If you feel you could support us by making a donation, you can do so here.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you again.
With metta
Candraprabha and all the team at Tiratanaloka