

The Buddhist Centre Online by Dharmachakra was launched in January 2013. This is the second major version of the platform and we are so grateful to everyone who has helped make it happen along the way.

The new Buddhist Centre Online was designed and curated by Dharmachakra.

Ongoing technical direction and development is heroically led by Kamalavajra with Candradasa, David Chang, Dayāketu and Samudradaka. 

Platform image and content support by Candradasa, Dayāketu, Kusaladevi, Zac Pomphrey, and Sanghadhara. With thanks to Aryajit and Vishvapani for their brilliant original contributions to Discover Buddhism

Financial and budgeting support by Amaya, Candradasa, Silasiri, Utpaladhi and Viriyalila.

The launch of these new spaces for Triratna online is dedicated to the memory of our friend and team mate Lee/Arwen Walford, who we lost in 2022. 🙏

the team

Thank you to the current team at Dharmachakra, our international, online Right Livelihood context, whose heroic work each and every day allows us to update, expand, and improve our services year after year:

Amaya (England), Candradasa (USA), Dassini (Scotland), Dave Chang (England), Dayāketu (México), Kamalavajra (England/Wales), Kusaladevi (England), Zac Pomphrey (England), Samudradaka (England), Sanghadhara (England/México), Silasiri (USA), Viriyalila (USA).


Cheers to the current Board of Trustees at Dharmachakra (UK) and Dharmachakra Inc. (U.S.), whose unswerving support has enabled us to work on what we love, for the benefit of all!

Dassini, Prajnaketu, Ratnavyuha, Shraddhavani, Vajrashura.

Many members of the Triratna Buddhist Order have served through the years as faithful and kindly trustees to our team. May the merit be yours!

supporting institutions and teachers

We want to especially call out the great work of the team and trustees at FutureDharma Fund, who have helped support the development of our own team at Dharmachakra and allowed us to focus on building both this platform and our sister site at Free Buddhist Audio.

FutureDharma helps make new Dharma innovations like The Buddhist Centre Online happen  - and, crucially, grow and sustain them afterwards. 

Click/Tap to give and be an everyday bodhisattva!Click/Tap to give and be an everyday bodhisattva!

Over the years, we’ve been lucky enough to receive invaluable financial support from a number of institutions. Some of these no longer exist but we wish to acknowledge them here. We honour the tremendous efforts of all those at Windhorse:Evolution Ltd. and the Windhorse Trust whose financial support over many years allowed our vision of a new platform online for Triratna to take root and flourish.

Thank you to the the Triratna European Chairsʼ Assembly whose consistently generous support since 2008 has allowed us to develop The Buddhist Centre Online from concept to mature platform.

Heartfelt gratitude to the Triratna Trust and the Triratna Buddhist Order itself, whose members have contributed to funding this platform since its early days. 

Thanks too to the Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust, who provided funding in our early days and are new partners in the ongoing work of preserving and sharing with the world the collected Dharma inspiration of Urgyen Sangharakshita, Triratna’s founding teacher.

And thanks to Garavavati and the London Buddhist Centre, Vidyamala from Breathworks, and Vishvapani from Wise Attention for their generosity and support with content and images for the new platform, especially in our Discover Buddhism section on learning to meditate. 🧘

dharmachakra alumni and contributors

We acknowledge particularly the work of Rijupatha and Sadayasihi, whose considerable contributions to Dharmachakra’s work and team-building over the years merit special mention.

All who have served with us, past and present, are in company with so many others through the decades since Dharmachakra first started recording taped lectures by Sangharakshita in an organized way in 1967-8. Sadhu to all!

founders and friends

Dharmachari Ananda founded Dharmachakra – more or less formally – sometime in the late 1960s. We send huge love to him for all his vision and supporting friendship ever since. 

The Buddhist Centre Online as a project was founded by Candradasa on behalf of the European Chairs' Assembly in 2010, and launched three years later.

We also want to acknowledge the contributions of many Order members working for other Triratna institutions who have supported this project through thick and thin over the years; serving on boards and in consultation processes with terrific generosity and perseverance. We're very grateful for your help in realising a vision of the Dharma made available to all.

friends and supporters

Finally, thank you to all of you who use and value The Buddhist Centre Online as a way to stay connected with meaningful community around the world! For a long time now we’ve been growing in the Dharma together.

Dharmachakra itself and this platform have been principally supported by donations large and small made by its users. Thank you for providing such a constant stream of generosity and helping us do what we do. We can't wait to share the next decades with you.