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Dharmabyte: Taking Delight in Friends

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 12 Nov, 2020 - 06:00

The Buddha and Ananda once tended a sick monk, neglected by his companions because of his ‘uselessness’. Sangharakshita shows that people cannot be treated as ‘things’ in the spiritual community.

Excerpted from the talk entitled A case of Dysentry as part of the series Incidents from the Pali Canon, 1982.

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Dharmabyte: Instant Response: Taking Responsibility

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 9 Jul, 2020 - 14:00

The Buddha and Ananda once tended a sick monk, neglected by his companions because of his ‘uselessness’. Sangharakshita shows that people cannot be treated as ‘things’ in the spiritual community.

From the talk entitled A Case of Dysentry given in 1982 as part of the series Incidents from the Pali Canon.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Bodhisattva Vision

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 28 May, 2018 - 16:50

This Dharmabyte podcast is an excerpt from The Bodhisattva Vision.

Visuddhimati launches the Triratna Urban Retreat on the theme of the greater mandala of uselessness - a teaching Sangharakshita has given us in 1976 derived from the Ratnagunasamcayagatha Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutras. 

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