Tag: true individuals

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Truly Human Individuals (Dharmabytes Podcast)

By Zac on Tue, 5 Nov, 2024 - 13:07

In a paper of great clarity and insight, Sangharakshita introduces the figure of the Bodhisattva, who embodies the principle of perpetual self-transcendence.  Excerpted from the talk The Bodhisattva Principle, given in 1983, as part of the series Two Lectures to a Conference on Reality, Consciousness and Order.


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Dharmabyte: Practice - Individual, Group + Sangha

By Zac on Mon, 5 Sep, 2022 - 06:00

How do we retain our individuality while practicing with other people? Are we true individuals, or are we rebels, and are the two really that different? Karunadevi  explores the dangers and benefits of practicing within a sangha using the Buddha’s teaching on the mental fetters and various commentaries by Sangharakshita.

From the talk The Individual, the Group and the Spiritual Community given at San Francisco Buddhist Center, 2007.


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Dharmabyte: In Relationship to Others

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 30 May, 2018 - 16:36

This Dharmabyte podcast is brought to us by Karunadevi from a talk entitled The Individual, the Group and the Spiritual Community that we’ve called: In Relationship to Others.

Can we retain our individuality while practicing with other people? Are we true individuals, or are we rebels, and are the two really that different? Karunadevi explores the dangers and benefits of practicing within a sangha using the Buddha’s teaching on the mental fetters and various commentaries by Sangharakshita.
