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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Whatever Leads to Dispassion

By Zac on Thu, 15 Sep, 2022 - 06:00

Elucidating the fifth stage of purification, Nagapriya shares a favored teaching to differentiate what helps us progress spiritually, and what does not. 

Excerpted from the talk Cherish the Doctrine given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2002.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Sutra of Golden Light

By Rijupatha on Wed, 1 Apr, 2015 - 20:34

FBA Podcast: Sutra of Golden Light

By Rijupatha on Wed, 1 Apr, 2015 - 20:34

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In this week’s FBA Podcast, Vadanya shares much to reflect on in the “Sutra of Golden Light.” This is the first of two talks given during the Men`s Event in November 2009 on the theme of the Sutra of Golden Light. Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Center, 2009.