Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

week 2 of trying to live without single use plastic ....

By Mokshini on Mon, 19 Jun, 2017 - 18:39

week 2 of trying to live without single use plastic ....

By Mokshini on Mon, 19 Jun, 2017 - 18:39

I intended to start this blog by saying I believe you only have to do something THREE times before it becomes a habit - but then I decided to check up on my views and googled it, and rather depressingly, it seems to be at least 21 or 28 or even 66 days to really change a habit - oh dear! 

But, in any case, I have now been to Exeter farmer’s market THREE times, and I would like to think that...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Week 1 of trying to live without buying single-use plastic ....

By Mokshini on Tue, 6 Jun, 2017 - 12:22

Week 1 of trying to live without buying single-use plastic ....

By Mokshini on Tue, 6 Jun, 2017 - 12:22

Lessons learned so far: 

1. Aiming to be vegan AND avoid single-use plastic at the same time is going to be super-challenging: it is really not obvious where to get lentils, beans, vegan quorn, quinoa or nuts & seeds that isn’t sold in plastic wrapping. So I’m going to give myself some slack there ….. 

2. Travel food: there was very little to buy at the food shops at Paddington station that wasn’t wrapped in plastic - rows and rows of plastic...