Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Vajratara on Ethics (Sila Paramita)

By Candradasa on Sat, 4 May, 2024 - 16:46

Vajratara on Ethics (Sila Paramita)

By Candradasa on Sat, 4 May, 2024 - 16:46

Vajratara is one of our youngest Public Preceptors, and has lived and worked at Tiratanaloka, the ordination training retreat centre in the UK, for over a decade. She also has a strong connection with our Indian Sangha, as chair of the India Dhamma Trust, a charity which works with FutureDharma Fund to support the ordination team in India. She is our second speaker, on the theme of Sila Paramita.

“But we mustn’t forget that...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Bodhisattva’s Practice – Six Perfections

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 23 Feb, 2018 - 14:16

In this FBA Podcast, The Bodhisattva’s Practice - Six Perfections, Ratnaghosha, just back from four weeks of solitary retreat, explores the Six Perfections and how we practice them.

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