College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Discipleship - Dhammadinna

By Vidyatara on Wed, 10 Dec, 2014 - 16:15
Addressing the UK and Ireland Women’s Area Order weekend held at Adhisthana in December 2014, Public Preceptor Dhammadinna explores Sangharakshita’s definition of the Order as ‘the community of my disciples and the disciples of my disciples and the disciples of my disciples’ disciples and so on.’ (What is the Western Buddhist Order, 2009)

Dhammadinna is introduced by fellow College member, Maitreyi.
College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Summary of the College meeting with Dhammarati

By Vidyatara on Thu, 20 Nov, 2014 - 21:14
Vidyatara is joined on the couch by Dhammarati, Chair of the Preceptors’ College. The conversation touches on the wide range of subjects that were covered over the last 10 days, friendship, the future of the College and unity in diversity. Dhammarati also reflects a little on his last 10 years as Chair.

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College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Day 7 of the College meeting with Karunadevi & Padmavajra

By Vidyatara on Wed, 19 Nov, 2014 - 09:01
Vidyatara stands in for the College’s intrepid reporter, Parami and has a chat with Karunadevi & Padmavajra. Tonight’s topics include discipleship, views, consciousness & friendship within the College.

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College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Day 3 of the College meeting with Sanghadevi & Maitreyabandhu

By Vidyatara on Thu, 13 Nov, 2014 - 21:21
Tonight Parami chats to Sanghadevi - a public preceptor for over 20 years - and Maitreyabandhu who joined the college in March of this year. As well as their impressions of the college, they movingly share with us their experience of a Skype meeting earlier today with Vajragita. Vajragita is not with us as she is unwell with terminal cancer and in today’s Skype with the college, she shared her thoughts and feelings about facing her death.
College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Day 2 of the College Meeting with Dhammadinna & Moksananda

By Vidyatara on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 23:04
On day 2 of the College meeting Dhammadinna, one of the most experienced of the College, and Moksananda, member for the Spanish speaking community, talk about how their own Dharma practice is the basis for holding responsibility as a Preceptor.

Follow the Preceptors' College Meeting

By Vidyatara on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 16:38
Adhisthana is again playing host to the biannual College of Preceptors’ meeting, with 25 of the 34 active members on-site until 20 November. Each evening we’ll be uploading interviews with a range of the Preceptors who will talking to Parami - College member and International Order Convenor - about their daily highlights. A written summary of the meeting will also be available after it’s finished.

You can follow what’s happening by going to the College webspace...
Sydney Buddhist Centre
Sydney Buddhist Centre

Myself, the dragon and St George - reflections on Ordination

By Bodhidasa on Tue, 2 Sep, 2014 - 07:32
What is it like to engage with ordination? This is a personal account of one person’s experience of attending the men’s ordination retreat at Guhyaloka in 2014.

It’s an honest and revealling exploration of the inner work done drawing on the work of Joseph Campbell and the myth of St George and the Dragon.
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Why ordination? Why an Order?

By vajratara on Tue, 11 Feb, 2014 - 14:08
Last weekend Tiratanaloka hosted a weekend for women mitras exploring why we have an Order and what ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order involves. Listen to Maitreyi’s talk from the weekend - great for those thinking of asking for Ordination, those who are training for Ordination and those who want to ponder the significance of being Ordained!
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Breaking the Bonds of Selfhood Through Serving the Dhamma (with translation in Hindi)

By Candradasa on Thu, 14 Mar, 2013 - 22:37
Ok, time to tidy up the rest of the rich Dharma material from India and the Order Convention…

To start us off, here is a strong, beautiful talk by Parami from the final day, bringing us back to the task in hand as members of an Order and as Buddhists: engaging with breaking the fetters and weakening the hold that self-clinging exerts upon our minds and our ways of seeing things.

Parami brings alive...
