Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Day 3: In The Listening Chair...

By Satyalila on Mon, 13 Jul, 2015 - 21:49

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Day 3: In The Listening Chair...

By Satyalila on Mon, 13 Jul, 2015 - 21:49

Our morning meditation poem on Thursday was Summer Farm by Norman MacCaig. I’ll definitely be buying this volume of Selected Poems. It’s wonderful!

In our sessions we’ve re-instituted ‘the listening chair’ we used to have for Manjusvara - and I snapped some occupants (interesting body language!) We were exploring themes from Ananda’s talk the other night about William Stafford, especially around the relationship with the Muse and receptivity.

There was a spirited discussion about the pros and cons...