Triratna News
Triratna News

NewsByte 4 is here

By Munisha on Mon, 30 Nov, 2015 - 23:57

NewsByte 4 is here

By Munisha on Mon, 30 Nov, 2015 - 23:57

Here is Newsbyte 4, from Clear Vision: a compilation of all the individual NewsBytes put out over the last three months. (43 minutes)

We bring you each one as it’s released, but if you missed any, here’s your chance to catch up.

00:13 Bodh Gaya International Order tetreat
08:24 Karuna phone campaign
13:42 Celebrating the arts at Adhisthana
26:42 A new centre for the Shrewsbury sangha
35:50 8th Young Buddhist retreat in Europe

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Triratna News
Triratna News

Shrewsbury's new Buddhist Centre

By Munisha on Mon, 30 Nov, 2015 - 23:04

Shrewsbury's new Buddhist Centre

By Munisha on Mon, 30 Nov, 2015 - 23:04

In this latest NewsByte video from Clear Vision, members of the Shrewsbury sangha in the UK explain how they came to have their own Buddhist Centre (9 minutes).

Read more about Shrewsbury’s new Centre.
+Follow Shrewsbury Triratna Buddhist Centre on Facebook.
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Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

A New Centre for the Shrewsbury Sangha

By Amaradaya on Wed, 25 Nov, 2015 - 17:51

A New Centre for the Shrewsbury Sangha

By Amaradaya on Wed, 25 Nov, 2015 - 17:51

The long established Shrewsbury Sangha open their own Buddhist Centre and look back on the renovation project.

Triratna News
Triratna News

NewsByte video: 8th Young Buddhist retreat, Adhisthana

By Munisha on Thu, 19 Nov, 2015 - 10:23

NewsByte video: 8th Young Buddhist retreat, Adhisthana

By Munisha on Thu, 19 Nov, 2015 - 10:23

Clear Vision reports from Triratna’s 8th Young Buddhist retreat in October at Adhisthana, UK. Young Order members, Friends and Mitras explain the importance of these events and rejoice in their friendships. They also say goodbye to Singhamati, stepping down as the European Chairs’ Assembly’s (ECA) part-time Young People’s Co-ordinator.

As she explains, it all began with the first weekend for young people, in 2008, at which some old people were also present, “trying to be young people”. (Yeah, thanks, Singhamati!) What...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

8th Young Buddhists Retreat - NewsByte Nov2015

By sanghadhara on Wed, 18 Nov, 2015 - 22:00

8th Young Buddhists Retreat - NewsByte Nov2015

By sanghadhara on Wed, 18 Nov, 2015 - 22:00

In October 2015 the 8th International Young Buddhist retreat took place in Adhisthana where Singhamati handed on her responsibilities as Young Buddhists coordinator. This project has grown substantially and is consolidating its place in Triratna.

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

8th Young Buddhists Retreat - NewsByte Nov2015

By sanghadhara on Wed, 18 Nov, 2015 - 21:51

8th Young Buddhists Retreat - NewsByte Nov2015

By sanghadhara on Wed, 18 Nov, 2015 - 21:51

In October 2015 the 8th International Young Buddhist retreat took place in Adhisthana where Singhamati handed on her responsibilities as Young Buddhists coordinator. This project has grown substantially and is consolidating its place in Triratna

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Bodh Gaya International Order Retreat- NewsByte Nov 2015

By sanghadhara on Tue, 10 Nov, 2015 - 11:52

Bodh Gaya International Order Retreat- NewsByte Nov 2015

By sanghadhara on Tue, 10 Nov, 2015 - 11:52

In February 2015 an International Order Retreat took place at the Three Jewels Centre at Bodh Gaya. Subhuti led the retreat with a team from India and the West.

All order members are invited to attend the next one in February 2016.

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

NewsByte 3, part 5

By Munisha on Mon, 8 Jun, 2015 - 00:42

NewsByte 3, part 5

By Munisha on Mon, 8 Jun, 2015 - 00:42

Part 5 of Clear Vision’s third NewsByte, rounding up news from around Triratna, covering the very moving ritual closure of windhorse:evolution (12 minutes).

Watch the full 6-story NewsByte compilation (55 minutes).

NewsByte is commissioned by Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly. Clear Vision is Triratna’s video project in Manchester UK, making Triratna video old and new available at VideoSangha.

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Triratna News
Triratna News

NewsByte 3 is here

By Munisha on Fri, 15 May, 2015 - 13:00

NewsByte 3 is here

By Munisha on Fri, 15 May, 2015 - 13:00

For Buddha Day, Clear Vision released the third of its twice yearly NewsBytes: video roundups of news from around Triratna.

NewsByte 3 covers 

  • The new West London Buddhist Centre
  • Nagpur Buddha Festival
  • Opening the Sangharakshita Library
  • National Network of Buddhist Youth Convention
  • windhorse:evolution closing 
  • Amitasuri - a Buddhist chaplain in Manchester

55 minutes

NewsByte is commissioned by Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly from Clear Vision, Triratna’s video project in Manchester, UK. Clear Vision presents Triratna’s video archives on its VideoSangha site.

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Triratna NewsByte 3

By upekshapriya on Mon, 4 May, 2015 - 00:00

Triratna NewsByte 3

By upekshapriya on Mon, 4 May, 2015 - 00:00

It’s Buddha Day and Triratna NewsByte 3 is here with stories on:

  • The new West London Buddhist Centre
  • Buddha festival in Nagpur
  • The opening of the Sangharakshita Library
  • National Network of Buddhist Youth Convention
  • The closing of windhorse:evolution
  • A Buddhist chaplain in Manchester

NewsByte is also available to view on 
