Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Life Breaks its Promise (Dharmabytes Podcast)

By Centre Team on Mon, 15 Jul, 2024 - 11:00

Subhadramati explores forgiveness and the arising of the Bodhicitta. The ego sustains itself by blaming - forgiveness means letting go of our egoic reactions and becoming a conduit for the mind of Bodhicitta. Excerpted from Being a Conduit For the Mind of Bodhicitta during the Women’s Area Order Weekend, 2018.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

The Fragility of Life (Dharmabytes Podcast)

By Centre Team on Mon, 8 Jul, 2024 - 12:21

This introductory talk by Dhammadinna is an ideal entry point to the world of the mind-turnings. Seen as foundations for the building of practice, the reflections encourage us to make life meaningful in the face of a relentlessly ungovernable reality. A strong look in the mirror of the heart. Excerpted from the talk The Four Mind-Turning Reflections, part of the series of the same title, given at Tiratanaloka...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

A Solid Foundation (FBA Podcast)

By Centre Team on Sat, 6 Jul, 2024 - 11:00

The human body, at peace with itself, Is more precious than the rarest gem. Cherish your body - it is yours this time only. The human form is won with difficulty, It is easy to lose. All worldly things are brief, Like lightning in the sky; This life you must know As the tiny splash of a raindrop; A thing of beauty that disappears Even as it comes into being. Therefore set your goal; Make use of every day and...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Dropping Our Defences

By Centre Team on Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 - 11:00

Ratnadharini gives us an inspiring, down-to-earth consideration of Verses 4-6 of the Eight Verses for Training the Mind by Langrithangpa.  Uncompromising, brilliant, long considered a classic of the Lojong mind training school, Langrithangpa’s pithy text bears daily reflection and can fuel a lifetime of Dharma inquiry and practice. 

Excerpted from a talk on Verses 4-6 from a series of talks on the Eight Verses for Training the Mind given at the ...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: A Fundamentally Flawed Strategy

By Zac on Mon, 30 Jan, 2023 - 06:00

Adverse situations of our day to day lives can provide us with opportunities to transform. Pradaya explores the Seven Point Mind Training teaching of turning adverse conditions into the path of enlightenment.

From the talk Base Metal Into Gold, part of the series Mind Training - The Alchemy of The Emotions, given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Dharmas Are Dreamlike

By Zac on Thu, 26 Jan, 2023 - 06:00

Society is complicated and we have all sorts of stories about that. Satyajyoti explores how our ideas and our stories create their own realities. Whatever our views are about the world influences how we experience the world.

Excerpted from the talk Training In Wisdom, part of the series Mind Training - The Alchemy of The Emotions, given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Working With Adversity

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 11 Jan, 2020 - 14:00

When things go wrong in our life we can see them as an obstacle to an ideal spiritual life feel we should be leading. But there’s another way of looking at difficulties, and instead of trying to get rid of difficulties, we could be welcoming them as opportunities. 

Vajratara  draws on the Tibetan Mind Training tradition, as well as the Pali Suttas to examine how we can make adversity our teacher and the ground in which wisdom...

Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

Mind Training - The Alchemy of The Emotions: Highlighted Series

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 6 Jun, 2019 - 10:30

Mind Training can be likened to a form of spiritual alchemy: a magical transmutation of our ordinary lives into gold. These powerful talks from the Sheffield Buddhist Centre provide a series of practical slogans which turn the adverse situations of our day-to-day lives into ideal conditions for spiritual transformation of the mind and emotions. Going beyond concepts, mind training techniques are just as relevant in the crucible of everyday life as they were in 12th century Tibet.


Community Highlights
Triratna International Council

Eight Verses for Training the Mind - A Series from the International Council 2018

By Free Buddhist Audio on Fri, 16 Feb, 2018 - 19:11

As part of the 2018 International Council we’re studying the mind training verses. We’ll be adding more each day (as the rural internet allows!).

First up we have Dhammarati’s excellent overview of the text, followed by Saddhaloka’s look at the first two verses. We then have Ratnadharini’s inspiring, down-to-earth consideration at verses 4-6. Parami explores the final 2 verses for us in the light of Bodhicitta practice and tonglen. And the series is rounded off by Viveka looking at the final verse as a...