Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Healing by Forgiveness

By Rijupatha on Thu, 3 Jul, 2014 - 15:21
Our FBA Dharmabyte today, “Healing by Forgiveness,” is an excerpt from “Love Your Enemy”, the fourth in a five part series by Padmavajra on all aspects of the Metta Bhavana practice and ‘The Great Love’ in Buddhist discourse and practice – from metta (loving kindness) itself to Bodhichitta. Here, Padmavajra reminds us that we cannot control events, citing the poem Life is King by Sangharakshita. With readings from King Lear, John Middleton Murray...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Bhaisajyaraja - The Healing Aspect of Buddhahood

By Rijupatha on Wed, 2 Jul, 2014 - 18:34
Our FBA Dharmabyte today, “Bhaisajyaraja: The Healing Aspect of Buddhahood,” is an excerpt from “The Archetype of the Divine Healer”, identifiable in Egyptian and Greek myths, also appears in the White Lotus Sutra as both the Medicine Buddha and the Good Physician.

Talk given in 1971 as part of the series “Parables, Myths and Symbols of Mahayana Buddhism in the White Lotus Sutra”.

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