Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Gift of Fearlessness

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 18 Apr, 2018 - 16:10

Fear is the great modern disease. Helping to create the conditions of fearlessness is one of the greatest gifts we can give.

This FBA Dharmabyte podcast is entitled”The Gift of Fearlessness” by Sangharakshita from the talk Altruism and Individualism in the Spiritual Life given in 1969 as part of the series Aspects of the Bodhisattva Ideal.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Fear & Fearlessness - October Podcasts

By viriyalila on Wed, 16 Oct, 2013 - 02:10

Fear & Fearlessness - October Podcasts

By viriyalila on Wed, 16 Oct, 2013 - 02:10With the coming of autumn in the northern hemisphere, we thought we’d explore the theme of fear, and fearlessness as we begin the month of October. Subscribe to both our free podcasts! Every Saturday we release a full length talk in our FBA Podcast and then twice weekly we offer a little nugget of Dharma in our Dharmabytes. Our team loves putting these podcasts together for our community - info [at]
Sheffield Buddhist Centre
Sheffield Buddhist Centre

Amoghasiddhi - how to be really successful...

By bodhinaga on Sun, 19 Aug, 2012 - 22:57

Amoghasiddhi - how to be really successful...

By bodhinaga on Sun, 19 Aug, 2012 - 22:57Bodhinaga explores some of the symbolism of Amoghasiddhi, including fearlessness, integration and the wisdom of unstoppable success, drawing on a wide range of sources (from the Buddha and Angulimala to The Lord of the Rings and The Matrix). Talk given at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre 24th July 2012.
