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Free Buddhist Audio

A Magnificent Tree of Equanimity (Dharmabytes Podcast)

By Zac on Thu, 7 Nov, 2024 - 06:00

The Brahma Viharas or Heavenly Abodes, have been likened to a magnificent tree. The deep, far ranging roots and sturdy resilient trunk are Metta; the open arms of the branches rising up out of the fullness of Metta are Compassion and Sympathetic Joy; the tree as a whole reflects the deep peace of Equanimity. The Brahma Viharas tree provides a Heavenly Abode for the creatures who live within its realm. Come and sit for a while with ...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: An Inclusive Love

By Zac on Mon, 13 Mar, 2023 - 06:00

Maitridevi talks about what the heart is like and the importance of it to the cultivation of an expansive all inclusive love for all beings and things. This talk is part of an intensive meditation retreat held at Taraloka in 2021 for women who have asked for ordination.

Excerpted from the talk The Heart Unbound: Metta As a Path to Insight (4 of 13) given at Taraloka Retreat Centre, 2021.


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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Suffering and Joy - Compost For Love

By Zac on Sat, 15 Jan, 2022 - 06:00

When we pay attention to our own experiences of suffering and joy, this can be a starting point to connecting in love with others. Dayajoti offers a personal entry into recognizing and practicing the Brahma Viharas - love, compassion, joy, equanimity. 

Talk given during the setup for Buddhafield Festival on the theme ‘Fire in the Heart’, 2013.


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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Love Underpinned by Wisdom

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 21 May, 2020 - 14:00

Upekkha is a fire in the heart that is steady and constant. Dayajoti gives us a beautiful description of the wisdom aspect of metta, that being upekkha, equanimity.

From the talk entitled Suffering and Joy - Compost For Love given during the setup for Buddhafield Festival 2013 (theme ‘Fire in the Heart’) on the Four Brahma Viharas.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Living Like a River

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 25 Nov, 2019 - 14:00

Ratnavandana shares an intensely honest, psychologically intimate, beautifully forensic history of her personal relationship to the practice of upekkha (equanimity) throughout her spiritual life. We hear about ways to assess what is going on in the subtler realms of our experience - and how to look to move beyond them so we too can live like a river…

Excerpted from the talk A Personal Take On Upekkha given as part of the series Brahma Viharas - Bristol Rainy Season Retreat...

Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Day 6: A Personal Take On Upekkha

By Centre Team on Mon, 23 Mar, 2015 - 21:27

Continuing the series of personal talks on each of the Brahma Viharas from the 2015 Rainy Season Retreat, Ratnavandana shares an intensely honest, psychologically intimate, beautifully forensic history of her personal relationship to the practice of upekkha (equanimity) throughout her spiritual life. We hear about ways to assess what’s going on in the subtler realms of our experience - and how to look to move beyond them so we too can live like a river…

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