Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Resources for BAM 2018 - good reads

By mokshini on Tue, 8 May, 2018 - 09:32

Resources for BAM 2018 - good reads

By mokshini on Tue, 8 May, 2018 - 09:32

You may decide June is a good month to learn more about economics, neoliberalism, environmental issues, or ways to get engaged - here is a list of books to get you started! If there is something you want to add to this list, just add it in the comments box below! 

Raworth, K. 2018. ‘Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist’. Cornerstone.

Monbiot, G. 2017. ‘Out of the Wreckage: a new politics for an age of crisis’. Verso.

Evans, A. 2016. ‘Eden...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Meeting The Needs Of The World

By Candradasa on Wed, 3 Aug, 2016 - 23:39

Meeting The Needs Of The World

By Candradasa on Wed, 3 Aug, 2016 - 23:39

A strong set of short talks as befits the title to start us off on day two of the 2016 Triratna International Council. 

Parami introduces Akuppa challenging us to examine our responses to the possible realities of climate change; Viveka, asking us with great feeling to be curious about the possibilities for diversity amid the realities of deep-seated conditioning around racial bias; and Yashosagar inviting us to embrace the Buddha’s vision of the Dhamma as an adequate response to...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Colchester centre wins solar electricity from M&S

By Munisha on Mon, 14 Dec, 2015 - 14:03

Colchester centre wins solar electricity from M&S

By Munisha on Mon, 14 Dec, 2015 - 14:03

Completing our Triratna News mini-series marking the COP21 Climate change talks which finished in Paris at the weekend, Amalaketu writes from the UK to tell us about Colchester Buddhist Centre’s successful application to a fund run by major retailer Marks and Spencer (M&S) for money for solar PV (photovoltaic panels) to generate its own electricity. 

Amalaketu is also responsible for Triratna’s Sustainable Buddhist Centre certification scheme. He writes: “We bought the...

Triratna News
Triratna News

More Triratna climate change actions

By Munisha on Wed, 9 Dec, 2015 - 11:43

More Triratna climate change actions

By Munisha on Wed, 9 Dec, 2015 - 11:43

Continuing our Triratna News mini-series marking the COP21 climate change talks in Paris, more news of climate change actions from around the Triratna world. 

Dublin Buddhist Centre, in Ireland, released their Statement on Human-Caused Global Warming today. Last week, we hear, Triratna individuals were among those staging a ritual inside the British Museum, as part of the Art, not Oil coalition’s opposition to BP’s (British Petroleum) sponsorship of several British arts institutions.

And what of the marches?...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Bristol joins growing list of "sustainable centres"

By Munisha on Fri, 4 Dec, 2015 - 17:02

Bristol joins growing list of "sustainable centres"

By Munisha on Fri, 4 Dec, 2015 - 17:02

Triratna’s Sustainable Buddhist Centre certification scheme is growing and growing, and it’s burst out of Britain! The Dutch sanghas in Amsterdam and at Metta Vihara Retreat Centre are among 10 centres certified so far, with two more pending. (See list below.)

Bristol Buddhist Centre, UK, is the latest of these centres, where Kamalamani is the centre’s Sustainability Co-ordinator. She writes: “Triratna’s Sustainable Centre scheme is another way of reminding ourselves at home and in our public centres that...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Colchester Buddhist Centre Wins Huge Grant for Solar Panels

By Rijupatha on Wed, 14 Oct, 2015 - 13:22

Colchester Buddhist Centre Wins Huge Grant for Solar Panels

By Rijupatha on Wed, 14 Oct, 2015 - 13:22

Colchester Buddhist Centre - who helped pioneer the Sustainable Buddhist Centre Scheme - are absolutely delighted to announce that they have won funding for solar photovoltaic panels at their new Buddhist centre, thanks to you and your votes!

It was an amazing effort from all of the Triratna sangha, with votes cast from all over the world! It was a neck-and-neck race at the end as they were almost 100 votes behind in competition with a well-organized village hall for the...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Your Support Needed! Click To Help Colchester Buddhists Go Solar...

By Candradasa on Mon, 28 Sep, 2015 - 17:45

Your Support Needed! Click To Help Colchester Buddhists Go Solar...

By Candradasa on Mon, 28 Sep, 2015 - 17:45

Hey, everyone! Can you help us with something very specific?

Our great friends in Colchester Buddhist Centre - who helped pioneer the Sustainable Buddhist Centre Scheme - just need about 200 of us to vote for them in their noble environmental quest to win funding for solar panels at their Buddhist Centre! There are 250 of us in this group alone…

It’s all based on most votes received and ends in two days on the 30th. Colchester were doing well and were in...

Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015

The Man Who Stopped France’s Food Waste Seeks To Globalize The Law!

By vidyakaya on Tue, 16 Jun, 2015 - 17:59

The Man Who Stopped France’s Food Waste Seeks To Globalize The Law!

By vidyakaya on Tue, 16 Jun, 2015 - 17:59

The Man Who Stopped France’s Food Waste Seeks To Globalize The Law!

May 27, 2015 by Amanda Froelich 

see link http://www.trueactivist.com/the-man-who-stopped-frances-food-waste-seeks…

Arash Derambarsh, the local councillor who kick-started the fight against food waste in his own Paris suburb, seeks to convince other countries to follow France’s lead and eliminate food waste.

The internet was in a frenzy when France recently passed legislation making it illegal for stores to purposely waste discarded food. As many pointed out in the comments section of True Activist’s coverage, such an...


Action from Depth: Ecodharma build new UK links

By guhyapati on Thu, 5 Feb, 2015 - 18:15

Action from Depth: Ecodharma build new UK links

By guhyapati on Thu, 5 Feb, 2015 - 18:15This summer Ecodharma will be joining forces with Gaia House teacher Rob Burbea and Freely Given Retreats to offer a new training in the UK. Action from Depth is a shorter remix of the Engaged Buddhist Training that Ecodharma have been developing since 2010. The UK version will be co-designed by Rob and Ecodharma’s Guhyapati, with a strong emphasis on ecological activism just ahead of the United Nations Climate talks,...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Seeking Triratna sangha in Indonesia

By Munisha on Fri, 3 Oct, 2014 - 13:33

Seeking Triratna sangha in Indonesia

By Munisha on Fri, 3 Oct, 2014 - 13:33What if there’s no Triratna sangha where you are? Today and tomorrow, Triratna News hears from two people far from Triratna sangha, starting with Anne-Cathrin. A German mitra training for ordination, she lives in Bogor, Indonesia.

She writes: “I asked for ordination August 2013. At the same time, I decided to embark on the adventure of Going Forth. Though I understood that the ordination process involved practice in daily life with Buddhist friends, I also longed to use my...
