Padmaloka Retreat Centre
By Candradipa on Tue, 24 Jul, 2018 - 12:40
By Candradipa on Tue, 24 Jul, 2018 - 12:40Ratnaguna, Padmavajra and Subhuti gave new series of talks in 2018
Men’s Open Retreat: “For Heroic Spirits intended”
Ratnaguna gave a series of powerful talks on this retreat in which he explored themes from the Ratnaguna Samcayagatha.
Śraddhāpa also gave a talk about translating the text from Sanskrit into English, a new translation of the text by Śraddhāpa was used on the retreat.
Find them here:
Milarepa: Devotion, Lineage and Discipleship
In May we held our annual five day retreat, this time on the theme...