Tag: dharmalifecourse


Young Women+ Dharma Life Course

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 26 May, 2023 - 12:14

Young Women+ Dharma Life Course

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 26 May, 2023 - 12:14

The next Dharma Life course at Adhisthana will run 11 March – 28 June 2024.

A four-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practising, studying, and working together within the context of Adhisthana. 

Over 16 weeks you’ll receive a grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism through retreats, study with experienced teachers and communal living. You’ll also participate in the life of the wider Adhisthana sangha: meditating together, performing ritual, developing kalyana mitrata and joining...