Western Buddhist Review
Western Buddhist Review

Buddhists and Stoics in the Philosophy Café

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Sat, 12 May, 2018 - 13:22

Buddhists and Stoics in the Philosophy Café

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Sat, 12 May, 2018 - 13:22

We present here a review of a new book exploring common ground between Buddhism and the philosophical tradition of Stoicism:

More Than Happiness: Buddhist and Stoic Wisdom for a Sceptical Age

by Antonia Macaro

Icon Books, London, 2018. £12.99 hb

review by Dhīvan

I met the author of More Than Happiness, Antonia Macaro, at a mindfulness retreat in 2016 led by Ven Anālayo,[i] and then again in November 2017 at a Bodhi College weekend on ‘Philosophy as a Way of Life’. An encouragingly large number of us listened to Stephen...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Book Review of Vajragupta's book 'Wild Awake'

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 23 Apr, 2018 - 14:46

Book Review of Vajragupta's book 'Wild Awake'

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 23 Apr, 2018 - 14:46

In Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature Vajragupta draws on twenty-five years of experience going into nature alone. He recounts how these ‘solitary retreats’ have changed him, how he fell in love with the places he stayed in and the creatures there and includes a helpful A-Z guide on how to go about your own solitary retreat.  Wild Awake is available from Windhorse Publications as a paperback or an eBook.

Here is a review of Wild Awake...

Western Buddhist Review
Western Buddhist Review

More Advice From the Zen Master – Read Dōgen!

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Tue, 5 Dec, 2017 - 18:27

More Advice From the Zen Master – Read Dōgen!

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Tue, 5 Dec, 2017 - 18:27

We present another review by Vidyavajra, this one of Brad Warner’s second book re-interpreting the great Zen Master Dōgen for the present day:

Brad Warner, It Came From Beyond Zen! More Practical Advice from Dogen, Japan’s Greatest Zen Master, New World Library, 2017 (£15 pback)

review by Vidyavajra

As I start a review of another book by Brad Warner, I am conscious that, should I be so inclined, I could just rehash my previous review of Don’t Be A Jerk. Comment on the pulp sci-fi...

Western Buddhist Review
Western Buddhist Review

What was it like for early Buddhist women?

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Sat, 1 Oct, 2016 - 13:30

What was it like for early Buddhist women?

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Sat, 1 Oct, 2016 - 13:30

Here, Dharmacārinī Vajratārā reviews a collection of scholarly essays exploring how it was for women in early Buddhism – at a time before feminism when nevertheless women were taken seriously as dharma practitioners.

Women in Early Indian Buddhism: Comparative Textual Studies

essays by various scholars, edited and introduced by Alice Collett

Oxford University Press, USA, 2014, 274pp., hback and ebook

Reviewed by Vajratārā

What were the attitudes towards women in early Indian Buddhism? Does textual analysis of early Buddhist texts corroborate the idea that early Buddhists saw women...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

The Beautiful Story of Great Faith, Great Wisdom

By Windhorse Publi... on Thu, 30 Jun, 2016 - 12:36

The Beautiful Story of Great Faith, Great Wisdom

By Windhorse Publi... on Thu, 30 Jun, 2016 - 12:36

We would like to invite you to dive more deeply into the beautiful and imaginative world of Great Faith, Great Wisdom: Practice and Awakening in the Pure Land Sutras of Mahayana Buddhism by Ratnaguna and Śraddhāpa. Great Faith, Great Wisdom is our newest book, launched earlier this year.

Please explore the new Great Faith, Great Wisdom book site, which provides the audio reading of the sutras, an excerpt from the book, and an interview...

Western Buddhist Review
Western Buddhist Review

Faith and Imagination in Pure Land Buddhism

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Tue, 28 Jun, 2016 - 12:05

Faith and Imagination in Pure Land Buddhism

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Tue, 28 Jun, 2016 - 12:05

Dharmacārī Saccanāma reviews a ground-breaking new book on Pure Land Buddhism, with new translations of sūtras, and finds much to appreciate and enjoy:

Ratnaguna & Śraddhāpa

Great Faith, Great Wisdom: practice and awakening in the Pure Land sūtras of Mahāyāna Buddhism

Windhorse Publications, Cambridge 2016, £14 pback, also in ebook

Review by Saccanāma

There is a debate going on in Buddhist publishing at present: titles such as Buddhism Without Beliefs, After Buddhism and Buddhism is a Religion: You can Believe It indicate the nature of that debate. On one...

Western Buddhist Review
Western Buddhist Review

Advice from the Zen Master – Don’t be a Jerk

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Wed, 25 May, 2016 - 11:58

Advice from the Zen Master – Don’t be a Jerk

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Wed, 25 May, 2016 - 11:58

In this post we present a delightful review by Vidyavajra of a new book that tries to put Dōgen’s master-work, the Shōbōgenzō, into vernacular English – with some success, it would seem.

Brad Warner, Don’t Be a Jerk: And Other Practical Advice from Dōgen, Japan’s Greatest Zen Master, New World Library, 2016 (£13 pback).

review by Vidyavajra

On the cover is a comic book depiction of a godzilla-like monster with beams of fire coming from its eyes, crossing a Hokusai-like sea of waves, towards a medieval Japanese village....

Western Buddhist Review
Western Buddhist Review

From Buddhist economics to a new Dharma politics

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Fri, 15 Jan, 2016 - 10:59

From Buddhist economics to a new Dharma politics

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Fri, 15 Jan, 2016 - 10:59

The following is an important and original combination of a review of Vaddhaka’s book The Buddha on Wall Street, and an article exploring some political implications of Vaddhaka’s Buddhist critique of neo-liberal capitalism.

A review-article of Vaddhaka Linn, The Buddha on Wall Street, Windhorse Publications, Cambridge, 2015

by Manjusiha

Bryan Magee, in Confessions of a Philosopher, says, of Schopenhauer and Hegel, ‘I do not think anything in the whole history of philosophy compares with this invective by one now world-famous philosopher against another’ (1998, p.466). The feud between philosophers...

Western Buddhist Review
Western Buddhist Review

No Need for the H-word

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Fri, 14 Mar, 2014 - 09:19

No Need for the H-word

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Fri, 14 Mar, 2014 - 09:19Bhikkhu Bodhi et al., The Bodhisattva Ideal: Essays on the Emergence of Mahāyāna
Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, 2013, 239pp., £9.99 pback. (Available from Wisdom Books at www.wisdom-books.com).

Review by Dhivan Thomas Jones

The usual history of Buddhism in India goes that the Mahāyāna arose around the beginning of the common era as a reaction against complacency and scholasticism in the existing schools. It described itself as a ‘great vehicle’, which put forward the Bodhisattva ideal of...
Western Buddhist Review
Western Buddhist Review

Buddhism, Biology, Interconnectedness

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Fri, 7 Mar, 2014 - 12:15

Buddhism, Biology, Interconnectedness

By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Fri, 7 Mar, 2014 - 12:15In this post I present a fine review by Ratnaprabha of a new book on the meeting of Buddhism and Biology - Dhivan.

David P. Barash, Buddhist Biology: Ancient Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Western Science, Oxford University Press USA, New York, 2014. 224pp., £20 hback, also available as ebook.

Review by Ratnaprabha

Through the nineteenth century, Western science gradually disengaged itself from Christian religion, and scientists set themselves up as rivals to churchmen in interpreting the...
