Earth Metta Sangha
Earth Metta Sangha
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Inner Work meets Worldly Action > People's Climate March @ 21st Sept 2014
On September 21st, thousands will take to the streets to motivate the UN Earth Summit (NYC) to take ambitious action on the climate crisis. Anticipated as the biggest unified campaign of our time, Buddhist presence has much to add.

On this day, we’ll engage in rituals of both spiritual and worldly realms. Following a morning of meditation and ritual at the Centre, we’ll join the Sheffield Rivers Rally (organized by Sheffield Climate Alliance) for an afternoon of action, expressing our solidarity and metta for all beings.

The Karaniya Metta Kula (formerly Buddhism & Ecology group) invite all sangha members to come along. We believe tremendous opportunities for growth and sangha building can be found in responding creatively to the environmental crisis.

Outline of day/ event
10:00 - 12:30 > meditation, ritual, crafts
13:00 > join the Rivers Rally at Hillsborough Corner (overlooking weir), march together along the Upper Don
15:00 > unite with the other river walks at Town Hall to say “It’s Time to Act”

Please wear as much blue as possible! Also good walking shoes, and bring a packed lunch and drink (for on the hoof), waterproofs, bus fare. Avaaz suggests bringing noisemakers, too.