The new video release now live on the Triratna Video Library
The Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust's third monthly contribution to Sangharakshita 100 is another video in the 'Unseen Sangharakshita' series now live on trirtanvideolibrary.org.
This talk is called 'The Relation Between Buddhism and Art'.
For his first talk in Kraków, Poland, Sangharakshita chose to explore the relationship between Buddhism and art. The lecture was held at a centre for Japanese Culture and so Sangharakshita first spoke of his youthful encounters with the writings of Lafcadio Hearn and his introduction to the Diamond Sutra. He recounted his personal conflict between the study of Buddhism and artistic pursuits and how a poem by Shelley led to a resolution. A consideration of the connections between art and Buddhism followed with an explanation of the four kinds or levels of art he detailed in his book 'The Religion of Art'.
The lecture, given on 7 May 2002, was translated by Nityabandhu into Polish and has English subtitles.