SFBC Mitra Study
SFBC Mitra Study
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What is the Sangha? Week 2, Oct 22
Oct 22: Viradhamma will introduce Unit 3 of this Course:
Individuality: the Essence of Sangha.

Please read Section 3 of Part 1 and the Introduction to Part 2, i.e. pp. 35-40 and 87-93 from What is the Sangha, by Sangharakshita.
Questions from the module are given below, but please also come prepared with your own.
Sangharakshita here introduces his key term of the “True Individual‟.
1. ‘I have presented this idea that some people are radically more developed than others in rather stark terms, but it is absolutely fundamental to Buddhist thinking. It is vital that we appreciate how significant this distinction between the individual and the non-individual is.’ (p.35). Why is it so vital to appreciate this distinction?
2. Do you have a sense of what the first three fetters mean in your own life? How do you work to overcome them?
3. What are the primary characteristics of the individual? Which of them strikes you most and why?
Link to the full module: http://www.freebuddhistaudio.com/study/yeartwofiles/Students/Year%20Two,%20Module%205%20-%20What%20is%20the%20Sangha,%20Spiritual%20Community.pdf

Oct 15: Unit 1 - Going for Refuge to the Sangha, Prasadachitta and Megan https://thebuddhistcentre.com/sanfrancisco/sfbc-mitra-study/what-sangha-week-one-oct-15
Oct 29: Unit 7 - The Meaning of Friendship, Padmatara and Rochelle
Nov 5: Unit 4 - The Group, the Positive Group, and the Spiritual Community, Viveka