Over 2500 years ago, a young man sat beneath a tree and woke up. He then walked the wilds and villages of India, talking to anyone who would listen and passing on his vision, so that others too could wake up. His vision was passed on through the centuries and through many cultures down to us in 2025.
What did he have to say? What was so compelling to last this long, to influence millions of people, to change lives and cultures? What was he like? What aspects of his life story and message are meaningful for us today?
This spring we’ll be pursuing these questions as we follow the life of the Buddha and uncover his character and his teachings through stories from the Pali Canon — the repository of early Buddhist literature that is our main link to this remarkable man. We will explore the relevance of his example and guidance for our own lives. What does it mean to follow the Buddha here in the 2025 on the seacoast of New England?
Every Sunday, 10-11:45am. These mornings will include meditation, a short talk and discussion. Everyone is welcome! We will be meeting in-person at Gateway Taiji, 875 Islington St, Portsmouth, with a Zoom option. Offered by donation, $5-$15 suggested. If you’d like to attend by Zoom, we’ll send the Zoom link upon registration, or simply sign up for our weekly email which includes the link. Please bring your own water bottle or thermos; we have meditation cushions and chairs at the studio.