Nagasiddhi takes us into the mind and heart of the new Buddha after his awakening – as he explores this new territory within, and with other people he encounters setting out on the next stage of his journey into liberation.
We are delighted to announce that the following women had their public ordinations today (15 October) at Akashavana:
Nos da mucho gusto informarles que estas mujeres han tenido su ordenación publica hoy (15 octubre) en Akashavana:
Public Preceptor Parami:
Sabine Klein becomes Vidyacandra (long first and last ‘a’ ), a Sanskrit name meaning “She whose spiritual knowledge is (bright) like the moon, “Aquella cuya sabidurìa espiritual brilla como la luna” Registered spelling Vidyachandra, ...
Dhivan talks about some ways in which Buddhists deny the self beginning with how the non-self teaching is presented in the Pali scriptures. From the talk entitled Denying the Self as part of the series Symposium on the Non-Self given at Adhisthana, 2018.
A fading historical stone giving memories of Urgyen Sangharakshita of Bodhi Tree plantation on 16th Oct 1988 and opening of Main Shrine on 26th Jan 1992. Presidented by Dh. Lokmitra.
It is my first solitary with fearful experience living without my family, there was just great silence which I have never experienced in my life. Around me, I heard many different voices of insects, birds, and animals. The biggest surprising challenge was no electricity for 3 days due to wind blew and rain, I did confront my fear about snakes, as I haven’t seen any during my solitary.
I had a...
Celebrating 60th Birthday of very old elder brother in Sangha. It has awake old memories of Mumbai, Dapodi early days of community with it’s all struggle and development.
This article was originally published in Apramada, but in case you missed it, I’m offering it here. I’ve left the comments facility open, so you can make a comment, or ask a question if you like.
In Praise of Uncertainty
What do you know? I mean really know. You know that you exist. You know that you are reading this article. You know what physical pain is, as well as pleasure. You know what cold and heat feel like. You know that when you don’t sleep...