jvalamalini's picture

Conditionality & Meditation with Vessantara, part 2

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 23:24

Conditionality & Meditation with Vessantara, part 2

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 23:24Vessantara talks at the Bristol Buddhist Centre about engaging with the concept of conditionality - part 2

Conditionality is a central theme of the Buddha’s teaching, and it is very helpful to bring our understanding of it into the arena of our meditation practice. During this evening we look at how to set up good conditions for our meditation to unfold in a natural, expansive way. We also explore how to meditate on conditionality, so that we take our...
Rijupatha's picture

NEW: Refuge Tree Series

From Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 17:08

NEW: Refuge Tree Series

From Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 17:08Just added to Free Buddhist Audio, this excellent series of talks from Sheffield takes a look at the Refuge Tree of the Triratna Buddhist Order, and some of the important figures in that spiritual lineage that we draw inspiration from.

“Ksitigarbha” by Vajratara: http://freebuddhistaudio.com/audio/details?num=LOC1248

“Kukai” by Vadanya: http://freebuddhistaudio.com/audio/details?num=LOC1249

“Hui Neng” by Vajratara: http://freebuddhistaudio.com/audio/details?num=LOC1250

“Shin Ran” by Vadanya: http://freebuddhistaudio.com/audio/details?num=LOC1251

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Windhorse Evolution

Our Questions around Right Livelihood, so far...

From Seminar with Subhuti on Right Livelihood on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 10:02

Our Questions around Right Livelihood, so far...

From Seminar with Subhuti on Right Livelihood on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 10:02These are some of the questions people are exploring here, and there’s still time for you to add your own, if you want - just post them here. Any comments on these topics are also welcome!

Bhante has suggested that team-based Right Livelihood should fulfil four criteria:
1. Be ethical 2. Be a context for Kalyana mitrata 3. Create Dana – have an altruistic dimension 4. Provide an skilful Livelihood
- What are our strengths and weaknesses in...
jvalamalini's picture

Conditionality & Meditation with Vessantara, part 1

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 08:10

Conditionality & Meditation with Vessantara, part 1

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 08:10Vessantara talks at the Bristol Buddhist Centre about engaging with the concept of conditionality. Conditionality is a central theme of the Buddha’s teaching, and it is very helpful to bring our understanding of it into the arena of our meditation practice. During this evening we look at how to set up good conditions for our meditation to unfold in a natural, expansive way. We also explore how to meditate on conditionality, so that we take our understanding of it deeper,...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Kshanti Paramita, Some Reflections On Patience

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 01:00
This is the fourth talk in a series on the Six Paramitas at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre in the summer of 2012.

Using verses from both the Dhammapada and the Bodhicaryavatara, Vairocana maps out the Buddhist practice of patience, from restraint to positive emotion.
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Free Buddhist Audio

To All Life Is Dear - Verses From The Dhammapada 2

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 00:00
Returning like a favourite friend to the classic Dhammapada, Padmavajra gives another series of talks centred around groups of verses.

In this second talk, we turn to practice, or more rightly attitude. If we saw all life as equal and equally valuable how would that change how we behave. Of course this shift in perspective is rooted in the Metta Bhavana, finds poetic expression in Shantideva (amongst others) and can be seen most perfectly in the Buddhas vision of Humanity as a lotus pool. But dont let the imagery fool you, this is a practical and pragmatic talk.

Talk given at Padmaloka, Summer Retreat 2012.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Associating With Spiritual Friends - Verses From The Dhammapada 3

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 00:00
Returning like a favourite friend to the classic Dhammapada, Padmavajra gives another series of talks centred around groups of verses.

In the last talk we hear about the importance of a spiritual friend, some one who can point out our faults like revealing a precious jewel. In a deeply moving and quite autobiographical talk Padmavajra talks about his early encounters with the Movement and his search for a Teacher. Then, shifting more to how to be a spiritual friend, or simply find safety in samsaric existence, he evokes specific qualities to be looked for in ourselves and others - here drawing on his own recent ill health, one gets a real sense of a man brining the dharma to bear on his experience and learning from the vagaries of life.

The talk also includes a systematic presentation of the system of spiritual life and the importance of Going for Refuge and spiritual friendship. The connection being that we can encourage each other to grow, but ultimately we must transform ourselves.

Talk given at Padmaloka, Summer Retreat 2012.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Who-S Sphere Is Endless - Verses From The Dhammapada 1

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 00:00
Returning like a favourite friend to the classic Dhammapada, Padmavajra gives another series of talks centred around groups of verses.

Starting with the direct communication of the Enlightened State, one of openness and creativity. Padmavajra then calls us to look into our own experience, acknowledge our limitations but rather than become frustrated we are encouraged to focus on our own capacity to grow and become more like the Buddha - how? Listen to talk two!

Talk given at Padmaloka, Summer Retreat 2012.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Stage 4b - Lessons From Cancer

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 00:00
Having been in treatment for the last eight months for metastatic cancer in her pelvis and lungs, Suvarnaprabha offers a few informal reflections about how this deep experience of impermanence has influenced her life and practice.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Stage 4b - More Lessons From Cancer

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 00:00
A second evening of reflections on having cancer.
