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Free Buddhist Audio

Amarapuspa - Truthful Communication

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Mon, 9 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
Amarapuspa explores the topic of truthful communication starting from the idea that the spiritual life consists of speaking the truth. She discuses whether we are capable of speaking the truth and how the responses of our bodies may help us to spot if we are not being truthful. Amarapuspa also looks at the area of trust in communication and how factual accuracy is important. The session ends with the Prajnaparamita mantra. This talk was given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in September 2015 as part of the regular Saturday morning Sangha class.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Sutra of Golden Light Retreat 2 Talk 1

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 8 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
Padmavajra explores themes from the Sutra of Golden Light relating particularly to his life experiences in India.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Sutra of Golden Light Retreat 2 Talk 2

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 8 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
Padmavajra explores themes from the Sutra of Golden Light, looking particularly at how we can transform our whole life and livelihood through serving the Golden light of the Dharma
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Free Buddhist Audio

Sutra of Golden Light Retreat 2 Talk 3

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 8 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
Padmavajra continues to explore themes from the Sutra of Golden Light showing how the Dharma is a social revolutionary force transforming peoples lives and society as a whole. Padmavajra makes reference to his own time in India including encounters with the caste system and the emerging Buddhist Movement initiated during the mass conversions in the 1950s.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Creating Love, Respect and Unity

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 8 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
Padmavajra talks at the Mens Event titled Beyond Isolation, Building the Buddha Land and describes how we practice the Dharma so as to create Love, respect and unity within our community and the wider world.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Danapriya - Giving Is Enjoyable

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 8 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
This is the third in a series of talks on Ethics. In this talk Danapriya discusses taking the not given and explores generosity using examples from our everyday lives. He relates giving to the other precepts and gives ten ways in which we can examine generosity in our own practice. The session ends with silence and the Sakyamuni mantra. This talk was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre in September 2015 as part of the Regular Saturday morning Sangha class.
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The Greater Mandala - Chapter 1

From The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28 on Sat, 7 Nov, 2015 - 17:12

Here is the first chapter of Sangharakshita’s commentary on the ratnaguna-samcayagatha, the text on which this Urban Retreat is based. 

Don’t let the long title put you off! What it is all about is exploring how we can live a live with more appreciation, more spaciousness and engagement,  a greater eye for beauty, and developing a more non-utilitarian attitude to places and people around us. 

The chapter is taken from the following book written by Sangharakshita - if you want to read the whole text and...

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The Greater Mandala - Elämä suuren mandalan piirissä

From The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28 on Sat, 7 Nov, 2015 - 16:22

The Greater Mandala - in Finnish 

Elämä suuren mandalan piirissä
Johdanto Sangharakshitan ratnaguna-samcayagatha -suttan kommentaariteoksesta Timanttisutra ja buddhalainen viisauden perinne, (Wisdom Beyond Words), jossa Sangharakshita tutkailee arvostamisen ja kauneuden keskeistä asemaa; taito asioista ja ihmistä nauttimiseen niiden itsensä takia, eikä vain hyötynäkökohdista lähtien. 

Please help keep this retreat free 

File NameSize
suuri_mandala_finnish.pdf104.13 KB
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Upcoming meetings - topics for November and December 2015

From Triratna Thames Valley and Reading on Sat, 7 Nov, 2015 - 11:23

Upcoming meetings - topics for November and December 2015

From Triratna Thames Valley and Reading on Sat, 7 Nov, 2015 - 11:23

Over the next few weeks we shall be looking at the following topics;

10/11   Introduction to Buddhist meditation - going deeper with the Metta Bhavana

17/11  Closed

24/11  Urban Retreat - taking part in the worldwide urban retreat

8/12  Who was the Buddha? - an historical perspective

15/12  What is Buddhism? - Religion or philosophy

22/12  Why live a Buddhist Life? - a personal perspective

29/12  Closed

From January we shall be running Dharma study blocks of 4 - 6 weeks focusing on a particular aspect of Buddhist teaching. While it will not be essential to...

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Free Buddhist Audio

White Tara

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 6 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
A special talk for Sangha Night to mark the full moon. Amarachandra speaks on the beautiful bodhisattva White Tara.
