Saddhammapradip's picture

Bhante Birthday Celebration - 26th Aug 17

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 16:23

Bhante Birthday Celebration - 26th Aug 17

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 16:23

Bhante 92 birthday celebrated in Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center, Short talk given by Dh. Chandrashil, Seven fold puja led by Dh. Ratnasambhava. On this occasion retreat had Santosh Bhangare family as the guest especially his father who is long time well wisher of Triratna. Dh. Ratnasambhava parents were also present on this occasion. 

Bhante Birthday cake cut by Mr. Bhangare with touching hand of...

Saccanama's picture

Ordinations at Aryaloka 27th August 2017

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 15:53

Ordinations at Aryaloka 27th August 2017

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 15:53

We are pleased to announce the following people celebrated their Public Ordinations at Aryaloka Retreat Centre in the United States on August 27th, 2017:

Rochelle Gatlin becomes Medhahshri
Sanskrit name meaning: She who has the luster of wisdom
Public Preceptor: Ashokashri
Private Preceptor: Karunadevi

Steve Wade becomes Chittavan
Sanskrit/Pali name meaning: ...

Mangala's picture

Death of Jayamitra

From Order Connection on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 14:06

Death of Jayamitra

From Order Connection on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 14:06

Dear Order Members,
I’m sorry to inform you that Dharmachari Jayamitra died peacefully last night at the age of 61 in St Joseph’s Hospice, London.

Dayavira, Appamadin and myself had been with him in the afternoon. At about 11.15pm the hospice called Dayavira to let him know Jayamitra had died. Dayavira and Appamadin then returned to the hospice and spent about an hour with his body. At the moment his body is in the hospice mortuary...

ashokashri's picture

Ordinations at Aryaloka

From Order Connection on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 14:00

Ordinations at Aryaloka

From Order Connection on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 14:00

We are pleased to announce the following people celebrated their Public Ordinations at Aryaloka Retreat Centre in the United States on August 27th, 2017:

Rochelle Gatlin becomes Medhahshri
Sanskrit name meaning: She who has the luster of wisdom
Public Preceptor: Ashokashri
Private Preceptor: Karunadevi

Steve Wade becomes Chittavan
Sanskrit/Pali name meaning: Intelligent, kind-hearted
Public Preceptor: Nagabodhi
Private Preceptor: Suddhayu

With metta,

Watch the ordination broadcast here

Ratnagarbha's picture

Urthona Sci-Fi and Fantasy issue JUST PUBLISHED

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 11:50

Urthona Sci-Fi and Fantasy issue JUST PUBLISHED

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 11:50

URTHONA ISSUE 34, the Science Fiction issue, OUT NOW:

LAUNCH EVENING: 16th February 7.30 prompt in Festival Theatre, Cambridge Buddhist Centre. 

Don’t miss this unique arts evening of cosmic music, poetry, science fiction, & the dharma! (Don’t worry if you are not an SF fan especially this evening has something for all arts lovers with fine music, poetry and conversation.)

Launch of Urthona Buddhist arts magazine issue 34 on Buddhism and science fiction
Readings by...

upekshapriya's picture

The Practice Lotus and the Sikkha Project - Dhammamegha, Karunagita and Amaragita OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 23 Aug, 2017 - 19:06

The Practice Lotus and the Sikkha Project - Dhammamegha, Karunagita and Amaragita OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 23 Aug, 2017 - 19:06

Talks from the Sikkha Project at the Triratna Buddhist Order Combined UK & Ireland Area Order Weekend held at Adhisthana, 19 August 2017.

The theme of the weekend was “A rich and many-splendoured thing - valuing the contribution of every Order member”. There were three elements to the theme:

1. Extending outwards
2. Going deeper
3. Learning from the past

Within the going deeper element - the Sikkha project works to support and share depth and strength in our...

Ratnagarbha's picture

Urthona Sci-Fi and Fantasy issue JUST PUBLISHED

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 11:50

Urthona Sci-Fi and Fantasy issue JUST PUBLISHED

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 11:50

URTHONA ISSUE 34, the Science Fiction issue, OUT NOW:

LAUNCH EVENING: 16th February 7.30 prompt in Festival Theatre, Cambridge Buddhist Centre. 

Don’t miss this unique arts evening of cosmic music, poetry, science fiction, & the dharma! (Don’t worry if you are not an SF fan especially this evening has something for all arts lovers with fine music, poetry and conversation.)

Launch of Urthona Buddhist arts magazine issue 34 on Buddhism and science fiction
Readings by...

upekshapriya's picture

The International Gathering choir

Arthasiddhi and the International Gathering choir sing their offering at the end of the Avalokiteshvara puja

upekshapriya's picture

Wisdom's Gathering: the difference that makes a difference - Dhammamegha

Dhammamegha speaks about Sangha as Dharma practice and how spiritual community and friendship with the admirable are part of our heritage in Triratna.
