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FBA Podcast: Training in the Six Paramitas: Shila - The Essence of Ethics

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 21 Apr, 2018 - 15:04

This FBA Podcast is called ‘Training in the Six Paramitas: Shila - The Essence of Ethics’ by Padmavajra.

This is the fifth talk in a six-part series by Padmavajra exploring the Perfection of Wisdom and specifically the practice of the Six Perfections. The usual order of the practices is reversed, so here we turn to the key issue of “Ethics”.

Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2004 as part of the series ...

Sadayasihi's picture

Triratna and the Mindfulness Initiative in the UK

From Triratna News on Fri, 20 Apr, 2018 - 14:44

Triratna and the Mindfulness Initiative in the UK

From Triratna News on Fri, 20 Apr, 2018 - 14:44

As mindfulness has entered the mainstream of Western societies, one of the most striking developments is the popularity of mindfulness practice among British Members of Parliament and the connections they have made to public policy. Triratna has had a significant presence in this process.  Vishvapani, one of those involved, updates us on this work and writes:  “A few years ago, when these discussions started, I don’t think any of us imagined that their potential ramifications could be so far-reaching.” 


Nandavajra's picture

Supporter Care Manager with complementary role/s

From FutureDharma on Fri, 20 Apr, 2018 - 10:28

FutureDharma Fund - pass it on

Would you like to help many more people around the world to transform their minds and lives?

Supporter Care Manager with complementary role/s (Systems Manager, Bookkeeper or Secretary)

We need robust and efficient systems to keep track of supporters’ gifts, and ongoing communication with supporters to thank and engage them further.

The core element of this role is Supporter Care Manager, ideally in combination with two smaller additional roles described below depending on your aptitude, interest and experience:

  • Supporter care: communication with our supporters
  • ...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Changing the Character of Experience

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Fri, 20 Apr, 2018 - 00:00
In this very personal talk Devamitra explores how to deal with "the world's slow stain" through a series of reflections on his own life. He talks about how to take responsibility for our own actions, considers how to feel gratitude, looks at how to develop positive emotion and explores how to turn adversity into opportunity. Devamitra also discusses how a diagnosis of cancer has given him the opportunity to live life on the edge and put events into a wider perspective. This talk was given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in April 2018 as part of our regular Saturday morning Sangha class.
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Free Buddhist Audio


From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Fri, 20 Apr, 2018 - 00:00
Abhayavaca talks about forgiveness drawing from the Dhammapada and other episodes in the Pali Canon as well as events in the modern day.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Changing the Character of Experience

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Fri, 20 Apr, 2018 - 00:00
In this very personal talk Devamitra explores how to deal with "the world's slow stain" through a series of reflections on his own life. He talks about how to take responsibility for our own actions, considers how to feel gratitude, looks at how to develop positive emotion and explores how to turn adversity into opportunity. Devamitra also discusses how a diagnosis of cancer has given him the opportunity to live life on the edge and put events into a wider perspective. This talk was given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in April 2018 as part of our regular Saturday morning Sangha class.
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Free Buddhist Audio


From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Fri, 20 Apr, 2018 - 00:00
Abhayavaca talks about forgiveness drawing from the Dhammapada and other episodes in the Pali Canon as well as events in the modern day.
Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Enlightenment is Possible

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 19 Apr, 2018 - 14:54

This FBA Dharmabyte is called ‘Enlightenment Is Possible’ by Saddhanandi from the talk Reflecting On the Life of the Buddha.

This is the first of four talks exploring Vasubandhu’s Four Factors. In his treatise Generating Bodhi Resolve, Vasubandhu describes them as able to generate the resolve to cultivate and accumulate the bases for the Arising of the Bodhicitta. You can find out more about them in Sangharakshita’s books The Meaning of Conversion in Buddhism...

Sasanaratna's picture

Why Did We Forget Western Buddhism?

From Shabda Articles on Thu, 19 Apr, 2018 - 01:42

Why Did We Forget Western Buddhism?

I would like to start this article by asking the reader a question, “what is Western Buddhism and who are the Western Buddhists?” I suspect that many people reading this will assume that the term, “Western Buddhism,” can only refer to the work of Sangharakshita and that the most obvious example of Western Buddhists is our own sangha, the Triratna Buddhist Community. If we think of Buddhism, however, as an objective social phenomenon then strictly speaking...

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Free Buddhist Audio


From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Thu, 19 Apr, 2018 - 00:00
In this talk Dassini looks at the individual nature of practising ethics, the need for metta in response to guilt, how to make a confession effective, and the Four Powers of Confession.
