An Update from our Buddha Day Appeal

On May 9th 2020, the international Triratna community celebrated Buddha Day. And in the process raised 57 lakh rupees | £60,000 | $75,000 for Coronavirus relief in India.

As part of an extraordinary day, with thousands of people online from all around the world, we reached out to our sangha friends in India, who were already pouring their energy and love into helping alleviate great hardship on the ground. Here is an update on the amazing work they have been doing as the coronavirus crisis has continued to wreak havoc for many millions of people.

Towards the end of May, the Indian Prime Minister handed over responsibility for the lockdown situation to individual States to deal with by themselves. The disease is still spreading, and so the work continues!

Half of the money raised has already been transferred to India, with the remainder to follow soon. Your generosity has helped reach thousands of families. It has provided food to itinerant day labourers trapped in hunger by the lockdown; and provided transportation from Nagpur in Maharashtra to the border crossing as people try to return home to their villages.

Everyone, from Centre Chairs to Dhamma Mitras to new friends, has been pitching in! Coming together to prepare chapatis and parathas with pickles, water, electrolyte powder, bananas, and biscuits for children on trains leaving Nagpur.

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From the Coronavirus Relief Work India team, the Buddha Day team – and from the online community around the world...

Thank you! May you be well!

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