A taste of "Starriness": live Triratna folk music in London

British Triratna folk musicians Joe Richardson and Sumana have two gigs in London, on 25th and 26th April, thanks to Triratna News!

Joe writes: "We have arranged two gigs in London to perform our song versions of Sangharakshita's poetry following on from the considerable interest in my "The Starriness of Things" collection on Soundcloud featured at Christmas on Triratna News.

The dates are

We will be joined by guest musicians on a variety of instruments, which should make for two interesting and eclectic evenings."

Hear Sumana, Joe and others perform "The Starriness of Things" by the International Retreat 2014 clear-up campfire.

Read all about Joe's settings of Bhante's poetry and hear him perform his "Starriness of Things" collection.