June is Buddhist Action Month!

Buddhist Action Month is only a month away! For 2017 the theme of this festival of Buddhist social action is 'Connecting for Change' - seeking to address the seemingly increasing polarisation, disharmony and divergence within many societies.

Having started in 2012 as an initiative of the UK's Network of Buddhist Organisations BAM is now in its fifth year and increasingly international and pan-Buddhist. 

Of course the Triratna Buddhist Community is dedicated to the Bodhisattva Ideal all year round, but BAM is a specific opportunity to get involved in actions expressing care and concern for our planet and all living beings that exist on it, in a practical way we might not find time for all year round - reaching out into our local communities as well as engaging specifically with the particular ethical issues of our times.

Increasingly, Buddhists from many traditions are joining in with social and environmental actions large and small. Why not ask those of other Buddhist groups (or other faiths) locally to join you?
You can follow the pan-Buddhist BAM on Facebook - and contribute your ideas.

A BAM action can be something as simple as a sangha litter pick or some guerrilla gardening around your Buddhist Centre; a clothes swop with your friends to raise awareness of the polluting effects of large parts of the clothing industry, or a campaign to switch members of your sangha community to green energy - there are loads of ideas in the Buddhist Action Month Handbook. 

In addition, for 2017 we have suggested a number of 'Special actions' - these include taking part in Refugee Week (UK) or organising a street meditation for peace; join the divestment movement by withdrawing your (Centre’s or your own) finances from supporting fossil fuels with excellent resources by Tejopala in Melbourne, Australia. There are a fab little video with notes to help you run a 'Climate Change for Beginners' workshop by Mark Wells; or why not get involved with Triratna's very own major social action project in India by supporting Karuna and the India Dhamma Trust! 

It's only April but there are already more ideas and resources on Triratna's dedicated Buddhist Action Month 2017 space!

Share the learning! Reporting your ideas, plans and experiences
Don't forget If you are running events at your Triratna Centre or Group (or even just with a couple of friends) post what you are doing on the BAM 2017 space, before and after; it's inspiring and helpful for others to hear what you're doing! 

+Follow the dedicated BAM space on The Buddhist Centre Online.
Follow - and post on - the pan-Buddhist BAM Facebook page to see what we and other Buddhist groups are doing.