Kshantidipa, Triratna Buddhist Order 2009-2012
Suriyavamsa writes from Triratna’s Glasgow Buddhist Centre with news of a death in the Order. He says - “Kshantidipa died on Friday 23rd November at 2.40 pm at the Beatson Centre in Glasgow. His good friend Pasada was with him at the time, and his wife Janice, his sons Steve and Simon, Bodhidaka and myself arrived soon after. The date of his cremation will be arranged in the next few days - we'll send a notice when we know. There will be a Sevenfold Puja dedicated to his memory at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Saturday December 1st from 2-4pm where we will celebrate his life and share his favourite Dharma readings. All welcome. Yours, Suriyavamsa”

Kshantidipa was ordained in Dhanakosa and Glasgow in May 2009 and has a strong connection with Tara and Amitabha.