Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust
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Closing Down of Clear Vision

It is with sadness that the Trustees of Clear Vision announce its closure from September 2020. Over the past 35 years Clear Vision has been a vital part of the FWBO/Triratna Community. It has documented much of our history so far through countless video programmes, particularly FWBO Newsreels, Triratna Newsbytes, and filming Bhante’s talks, events and tours as well as many other talks by Order Members. We have also developed the beginnings of a vast photographic archive and library and video archive. For the world of Religious Education we created a complete range of award-winning programmes and teaching resources on Buddhism for school kids of all ages and also produced postcards and posters. And, of course, during this time we have supported a team-based right livelihood project. We are immensely proud of the body of work that we have created over the years.

At the end of August the Clear Vision Trust will cease operations and the charity will be dissolved. This is a consequence of failing to secure the funding we needed to take us into the future. Given that there are more and more potential film-makers and documentarians in Triratna, and social media helping to keep the Movement connected in ways once unimaginable, we hope that our Triratna history will continue to be properly recorded, shared and archived.

Over the years many Clear Vision team members have come and gone, many to work for the Movement in various ways including: Aparajita, Bodhiketu, Kalyacitta, ex-Padmasri, ex-Addichabandhu, Lalitavira, Mokshajyoti, Vidyamala, Munisha and Upekshapriya. Current team members Amaradaya and Sanghadhara are moving on to new things - Amaradaya working for the Order Office and continuing the school visits service with the Manchester Buddhist Centre team; Sanghadhara starting college in September to study graphic design. Beyond the team we’ve enjoyed the generous support of fantastic trustees and volunteers who helped to keep Clear Vision operational over the years.

Although our video production work will cease, we are planning for the online education resources to be maintained and the remaining stock of education DVDs will be sold by Adhisthana.

Over the years we have developed two very important archives for Triratna. The Photographic Archive now holds over 10,000 images including Bhante’s entire collection, Dhardo Rinpoche’s personal collection and images from the early days of the FWBO up to recent times. The Video Archive largely consists of all the material shot by Clear Vision/Vajra Films from 1984 onward. In addition there is material sent by FWBO/Triratna institutions and individuals from around the world. There is also a number of related broadcast programmes recorded on British television.

These two archives still have to be completed. Everything has to be scanned, repaired, databased, digitally copied and made available. Once completed there will be an online Triratna Photographic Library featuring curated collections as well as the complete archive available offline at Adhisthana. A similar online Triratna Video Archive will hold the entire video collection and be viewable offline at Adhisthana too. Since 1983 we have videoed almost all of Bhante’s talks and public/Triratna appearances and concluded that process with the sad occasion of his funeral. The resulting archive is of immense value not only to our sangha today but for those yet to come who never had the opportunity to meet or see our great teacher.

We are delighted that the Uddiyana Trust (Urgyen House) has agreed to take ownership and responsibility for these two archive projects with Mokshapriya continuing the work. Please subscribe to the website to keep updated with developments.

We'd like to say a huge thank you to all team members and trustees past and present, all the volunteers who have helped out, all our funders and donors, and all those who have watched and enjoyed the material we have produced over the years. May the work of communicating the Dharma through video continue to thrive, and may our rich archives be widely viewed and valued.

Yours in the sangha,
Mokshapriya, Akasajoti, Vishangka and Sanghadhara
Clear Vision trustees and team