Online Meditators
Online Meditators
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Weekly Practices with Kamalashila

For experienced meditators (three years at least of Triratna meditation including some retreat)

I am offering weekly teaching and practice sessions over this year (and maybe beyond, who knows) on the Zoom platform for the Anapanasati and Brahmaviharas meditations.  All experienced meditators are very welcome. 

All sessions are recorded and available for offline viewing / listening.  
view current Anapanasati video sessions on Vimeo
view current Brahmaviharas video sessions on Vimeo 
audio sessions are also available on Soundcloud

10am Tuesdays  - Anapanasati 
5pm Thursdays - Brahmaviharas

No commitment required - come and go as you need to.

No charge - dana is appreciated. 

Register here: