If you have been around Triratna and meditating for say three years you are welcome to come to the West London Buddhist Centre for this non residential Weekend on the third tetrad of Anapanasati meditation, which is mainly about the citta, heart or mind. The retreat is primarily for people on my weekly online meditation classes* but I'd imagine most regular meditators can benefit. The event is by donation whether you attend in person or online.
Both online and in-person retreatants will have access to video and audio recordings if they wish.
EVENT: FREEING THE MIND Meditation Weekend with Kamalashila
DATES: 6th and 7th January 2024
TIMES: Sessions 1030am-2pm (including breaks) and 4-6pm each day.
VENUE: West London Buddhist Centre, 45a Porchester Rd, W2 5DP
REGISTRATION for both online and in person attendance: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkduygpjgqEtdm--rAxMS7edwIjnYT5Fyo
COST: no charge, but please consider making an appropriate donation.
Full details will be sent when you register. Thanks and look forward to seeing you!
*The Weekly class is Tuesday 10am Anapanasati, Thursday Brahmaviharas 5pm, register on https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYudu-ppjsrE9DPjAgGt55LnLQHhWKkKUMu