27 August – 17 December 2024
Applications due Friday 1 March 2024
A four-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practising, studying, and working together within the context of Adhisthana.
Over 16 weeks you’ll receive a grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism through retreats, study with experienced teachers and communal living. You’ll also participate in the life of the wider Adhisthana sangha: meditating together, performing ritual, developing kalyana mitrata and joining in with regular work periods as a spiritual practice.
The course is aimed at men under the age of 35. In previous courses, half of the participants have come from outside the UK, and we remain really keen to receive applications from those outside of Great Britain.
Click here for more info and to apply
And you can email mensdlc@adhisthana.org with any questions.