Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
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Adhisthana is hiring for two roles
Cook and Publicity

Could you be our next cook or do our publicity?

Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita envisioned Adhisthana as a place of blessings, where the worldwide Triratna Buddhist Community would gather and engage wholeheartedly with his radical vision of the Dharma in all its breadth, depth and clarity. As we move out of the 10th anniversary year of Adhisthana’s opening and into celebrating the 100th anniversary of Sangharakshita’s birth, our founder and teacher’s vision remains dynamic and alive.

Central to unfolding this vision are Adhisthana’s two single-sex residential communities, committed to a life of Dharma service in supportive semi-monastic conditions. Here work, play and practice all blend into a unified whole; a total and integrated spiritual life. Sangharakshita’s vivid presence lies at the centre of a broad mandala of activity benefiting the Order, the movement and beyond.

The Adhisthana Operations Team supports this stream of blessings by tending to the practical running of the site: from cooking to cleaning, from gardening to online communication. We give ourselves freely in the spirit of open-handed generosity, our actions performed in devotion to The Three Jewels. We are supported financially to live a beautifully simple yet rich life: working together for the good of Buddhism, immersed in Bhante’s distinctive presentation of the Dharma, deepening our spiritual friendships. The Operations Team is wonderfully diverse in age, experience and character, yet united in our dedication to seeing Bhante’s vision radiate out into the world.

As the Adhisthana mandala expands, so do the opportunities to serve. We want to hear from any Order member or mitra who has asked for ordination who feels a calling to realise this vision of community living and team-based right livelihood alongside us.

While we want to hear from you regardless of a particular role, we are actively offering two opportunities: firstly, a cook to work alongside our kitchen manager in offering nourishment to all who visit; secondly, someone to help tell Adhisthana’s story to the world through publicity. Experience in these areas is helpful but not essential. The fundamental requirement is that you want to deepen your going for refuge to The Three Jewels in an intensive practice setting.

If you want to explore taking this precious opportunity, please contact me at You can read more about the roles here. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 



Operational Manager, Adhisthana