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Understanding Blake: A Triratna Blake Reader

Satyalila and Prajnamati have put together A Triratna Blake Reader, offering a friendly way in to understanding Blake and the light he can shed on Bhante’s presentation of the Dharma.

It begins with Bhante’s essay ‘Buddhism and William Blake’ first published in the heyday of the ‘Blake era’ around the London Buddhist Centre. Blake was ‘in the air’ just as he’s been around ‘in the DNA’ of Bhante’s approach to the Dharma.

The second piece is Satyalila’s talk from the last Blake retreat at Adhisthana, tracking and tracing the ways in which Blake’s influence can be found in Sangharakshita’s teaching.  There will be another retreat on Blake in July in Adhisthana, 'Without Contraries is no progression'. 

The last piece comprises four substantial ‘readers’ on the main themes that Bhante was elucidating when he references Blake: Vision; Energy & Reason; Imagination; and the Dakini as Sangha Refuge. In each one an overview of the points Bhante makes is followed by a summary of the references from lectures, seminars, and books.

The reader is also available as a hard copy from Lulu books.

See recent piece by Sangharakshita 'Blake and the Gates of Paradise'