The Triratna Father's Group is a wonderful opportunity for fathers to connect with other fathers within the Sangha and explore the Three Jewels within the context of fatherhood. Below you'll find some of the groups upcoming events.
To join the mailing list and find out more about the group, please email
'Kindling the Flame’
An ‘in person’ Triratna Fathers event @ The London Buddhist Centre
Sunday 1st May, 2022 | 10am-4.30pm
By Donation
Bring a veggie/vegan lunch to share
Hosted by the Triratna Fathers Team
In many ways trying to live a Buddhist Life is like starting a fire. As we start out we grab whatever materials we have to hand and make a good go of it. Perhaps we quickly generate a bit of heat - maybe some sparks suddenly appear - even a small flame!
But the flame of the Dharma is an incredibly rare and precious event and it is hard to sustain it on our own.
But once surrounded by spiritual friends or ‘Kalayana Mitras’ something happens - a small flame soon stabilises to become a bigger one and in time a fire begins to blaze forth!
During our first ever in person event we will simply come together to kindle the flame of our burgeoning Triratna Fathers Sangha with a day of meditation, puja and other fuel for the fire.
A Taste of Freedom
12-14 August 2022
Suitable for all levels of experience
‘Just as the mightyocean has but one taste, the taste of salt, so to has my teaching but one taste, the taste of freedom’.
- The Buddha
The Buddhist Life starts with a vision or glimpse of ‘the way things are’ and leaves us with ‘a taste of freedom’.
During this weekend for fathers practicing within the Triratna Community and Order, we will explore what led us to take up the Buddhist Path - a chance to reconnect with our own initial ‘taste of freedom’.
A weekend of meditation, puja, discussion and with three talks by Aryajit, Dharmajit, and Sanghajit on where the Dharma life started for them and what was their own first ‘taste of freedom’.
Book here!
Transformation of Self and World
21-23 October 2022
Suitable for all levels of experience
‘The aim of the great Buddhist teaching of the path of vision and the path of transformation is to enable us to bring the whole of our life up to the level of it's highest moments’
- Sangharakshita
After the initial vision or glimpse of ‘the way things are’ comes the task of committing ourselves to a Buddhist Life - a life given over, not only to self transformation but also the transformation of the world we live in.
This makes the Buddhist Life the most demanding life to live and requires energy, patience and courage.
During this weekend for fathers practicing within the Triratna Community and Order, we will explore how we can practice the path of transformation and be more effective in our own life and the world we inhabit.
A weekend of meditation, puja, discussion and with three talks by Aryajit, Dharmajit, and Sanghajit on their experience of the challenges of trying to take on the path of transformation in their own lives.