Here's our new programme for Spring 2013 ... all evenings start at 7.30 so arrive from 7.15, we aim to end by 9.30.
Donations welcome.
March 2013 New Season: The Three Jewels of Buddhism.
5th March: Introducing the Buddha (Roger)
12th March: Introducing the Dharma (Lokabandhu)
19th March: Introducing the Sangha (Helen)
26th March: Full-moon Puja
April 2013 New Season: The five Ethical Precepts of Buddhism
2nd April: Non-violence/Practicing Loving kindness (Roger)
9th April: Non-stealing/ Practicing Generosity (Julian)
16th April: Avoiding sexual misconduct/ Practicing Contentment (Khemajoti)
23rd April: Full-moon Puja
30th April: Avoiding lying/ Practicing Truthfulness (Lokabandhu)
7th May: Avoiding intoxicants/ Practicing Mindfulness clear and radiant (Helen)